Warning: Spam emails are not just annoying - they are a main distributor of viruses that can wipe out your computer.

"Who Else Wants To Rid Their Computer of Unwanted Junk Mail Without Falling For Traps That will Actually Make The Problem Worse!"

I've got something to tell you...

Goodness gracious SPAM is annoying!

What on earth did any of us do to deserve the massive onslaught of offensive, unethical, dangerous, criminal emails that we all get on a daily basis?

Why is someone from India, Africa, or elsewhere writing you for information about your bank account with shady promises of depositing thousands of dollars within? (Many, many people have fallen for this real scam.) It's costing us ALL money - more on this in a bit.

Listen - if all you want is to be rid of the daily chore of sorting through scams and filth to find emails from friends, family, and coworkers...

...you are definitely NOT asking for too much. There is a way to stop greedy Spammers from finding their way to your inbox. There is a way to stop Spam dead in its tracks.

All you need to do is educate yourself on the dangers of Spam - followed up by some real solutions to the problem. All of which can be found within...

"...A Quick Guide To Stopping Spam... Once and For All!"

Greetings Noble Citizen,

If you are sick and tired of sorting through unwanted email containing filth, my guide will show you how to rid yourself of the daily chore.

But did you know that Spam emails, more than just being annoying, are downright dangerous? A major carrier and distributor of viruses is Spam email!

When viruses and Spam team up, they can be devastating. Viruses are so smart, that they can actually find email address on your computer of friends, family, and coworkers - and send themselves over to infect their computers too!

One of your friends or family members could get infected at anytime - and may through no action of their own, send you a virus through email! Do you know how to protect your precious files residing within your computer from Virus and Spam attacks?

"Give Me 15 Minutes And I'll Show You How To Go On The Offensive In The Battle Against Spam!"

That's right. I'll show you how to go on the offensive...

...without wasting much of your time to do it. Spam has already taken up enough of your time. Once you learn what you need to know about Spam, you can implement a few techniques...

...and then enjoy a cleaner, tidier inbox for life.

All of the information you need to understand Spam, to be able to recognize harmful emails before you interact with them, and finally - to outright stop receiving unwanted email in your inbox is in my guide.

It's called, "A Quick Guide To Stopping Spam... Once And For All!" It's a thoroughly researched guide that you can download to your computer in minutes from now.

Just take a look at what you'll find inside:

Understand what Spam is and what Spam isn't. (Page 5)

Learn how your email address is often collected by spammers - often with YOUR consent. (Page 5)

Realize that clicking a link that promises you will be taken off of their mailing list is really just a waste of time... and MAY do more harm then good. (Page 26)

Discover possibly the best method currently available for stopping Spam dead in its tracks. (Pages 22-23)

Why innocent seeming "Chain Letters" are often tools used by Spammers to get you and your friends email addresses. (Pages 33-34)

Learn a simple trick that can help you misdirect Spammers. (Page 27)

Find out which files on your computer that you should get rid of regularly. They are supposed to be temporary files anyway - but they will add up if you don't get rid of them! (Pages 10-11)

How using the word "at" in certain instances can save you from getting on Spammers' email lists. (Page 27)

Understand why contests are often the hidden culprit responsible for stealing your email address for Spammers - and what YOU can do to stop this. (Page 12)

Discover one low-cost method that will keep your inbox practically Spam free as long as you use it. (Page 31)

Learn how viruses, trojans, and worms team up with Spam to cause chaos for you and your computer. (Page 17)

Understand that email is NOT free and why Spammers that take advantage of it are costing businesses loads of cash... that you in turn pay for! (Page 15)

Learn to recognize "Plea emails" that are after your wallet. (Page 34)

5 common occurrences that may be volunteering your email address to Spam. These will surprise you. (Page 6)

Learn what Spiders are and how Spammers use them to capture your email address. (Page 10)

Learn what Email-Harvesters are and why they can obtain your email address without your knowledge. (Page 8)

Find out why you should be wary of public forums... and how Spammers may be looking for you there. (Page 14)

Discover the danger of Spammers teaming up with Hackers to steal your Login information. (Page 13)

Realize how the software you buy may contribute to unwanted email in your inbox. (Page 9-10)

Understand the devastating domino effect of responding to Spam. (Page 8)

Find out why paying to send emails has been considered a solution to Spam - but will ultimately fail. (Page 20)

What to look for when entering your email address that will greatly reduce your chance of receiving junk mail. (Page 9)

Why a National No-Spam list just isn't plausible. (Page 21)

Realize that Email Filters can be just as much of a hassle as the Spam itself if you pick the wrong one. (Pages 18-19)

Why your personal website is likely a major factor in the amount of Spam you receive. (Page 7)

Understand the 4 reasons why complaining to a Spammer's Internet Service Provider is mostly just a waste of time. (Page 22)

Discover the little-known secret that is whispered by those in the know about free-trial software's relation to Spam. (Page 29)

Find out how Microsoft and Yahoo! are fighting against Spam - and how you can take advantage. (Page 29-31)

Find out the absolute worst thing you can do for yourself when trying to fight Spam. Learn now before you do it! (Page 28)

Learn why using encrypted passwords might be your best bet - and how to do it. (Page 32)

Find out how to WASH incoming mail. When done right can virtually end your problems with Spam. (Pages 23-24)

Understand why Spammers do what they do - along with how to crush their hopes and dreams of endless cash. (Pages 24-25)

4 tricks that Spammers use to get you to open their emails. (Page 25)

Discover how to spot fake charitable Spam emails trying to take advantage of your generosity. (Pages 35-36)

4 types of emails promising to make you money... that are really sent to make Spammers money. Learn to spot and delete them before you become a victim. (Pages 36-38)

11 powerful web sites to visit if you plan to fight Spam in your inbox. (Page 40)

And there's MUCH more - guaranteed!

"Believe It Or Not - A Cleaner, Tidier Inbox IS Possible!"

It is possible.

Spammers won't stop sending unsolicited commercial email anytime soon... But you can keep it from finding its way to your inbox.

Right now, if you're receiving 10 Spam emails a day - you're considered LUCKY by many who've had their email addresses floating around in Spammers' lists for years.

Receiving over 100 Spam emails a day is not unheard of at all - if you're using a free email account such as Hotmail or Yahoo, the chances of going over the set amount of email storage available to you is very high!

If you're not there yet, just give it a few years.

Or put a stop to it now. Once you get rid of Spam, you can finally organize your inbox into a practical, tidy, and efficient email center.

Do you know the feeling you get when you rearrange furniture in a room? It feels so fresh you just want to sit in it all day!

When your inbox is finally cleared of annoying Spam emails that are currently pouring in by the dozens, you're not going to want to leave your email program!

You will feel liberated and will look for excuses to check your email, email friends, or just sit and stare at how tidy and organized your Inbox has become!

But, of course, right now this is a dream. Do you want to make this a reality today?

"Did You Know that Spammers Often Find Your Email Address Because Of Something YOU'VE Done?"

The first thing my guide will teach you is how to stop putting your email address in front of Spammers' noses.

Most people make it too easy for them without realizing it. I'll teach you how Spammers find your email address and how to put an end to it.

...is how to keep your email address from getting put on an

Next I'll teach you how to stop Spam dead in its tracks before it ever reaches your Inbox.

There are steps you can start taking tonight to virtually rid your inbox of Spam.

There are techniques, which I'll reveal in my guide, that will virtually...

"...Rid Your Inbox of Future Spam Tonight!"

Your time is valuable. There's no reason to have yourself glued to the delete key when checking your email. It's plain unnecessary.

Free up your time for more worthwhile things. Getting your very important work done. Fixing things up around the house. Playing with the kids. NOT trying to keep viruses, scams, and filth off of your computer.

My guide is the one way to make that change starting today. Starting in just a few minutes in fact. The words inside of my ebook will save you hours of your time, hours of frustration, and hours of sleep!

And that's not just for a month, that's for every month that you own a computer for the rest of your life.

It would be unwise to wait and wade through another year's worth of trash - risking their computer's health - before making a decision to put a stop to it today.

You may spend up to 10 hours of your life this year just sorting through your email. If you contract a Virus you might have to wait weeks for your computer to be fixed... (which will cost hundreds of dollars, computer technicians are paid well.)

Value your time at greater than $3.77/hour. Get my guide, "A Quick Guide To Stopping Spam... Once And For All!" for $37.77 now and use it for the rest of your life.

Don't wait until you throw your computer out the window. Make the decision now: Are you ready to experience a clean and tidy Inbox free of the daily chore of deleting Spam? If so, Click Here.

" You Have 3 Months To Decide If My Guide Has Helped You Keep Your Inbox Clean!"

You have three full months to look through my guide, use my tactics and techniques, and see for yourself that Spam is something that can be stopped. At anytime within those three months you feel that my guide wasn't for you, just ask for a refund.

You will receive back 100% of your purchase price.

I understand that some of you are worried that you won't be able to use my guide effectively. Maybe you think your computer skills are not sufficient enough to stop the problem.

But that's just not true. It does take a brave person to go after Spam head on. So I say...

...Get my guide, look through it, and try my techniques. It won't take much of your time. If it doesn't work for you, just write for a no-questions-asked refund. I'll take all the risk on me. How about that?

You can start reading my first technique for a tidier inbox in just a few minutes - just click this link and we'll walk you through the process.

Thanks for reading,


P.S. Remember that Spam isn't just annoying... It's also dangerous! Spam is a major carrier of Viruses that infects your computer and then sends itself to your friends, family, coworkers...clients even! "A Quick Guide To Stopping Spam... Once And For All!" is your ticket towards a Spam free life.

P.S.S. You can take action within minutes of reading this sentence. You do NOT have to wait for my guide to arrive in the mail because you can download it straight to your computer. It'll only take a few minutes and you can start eliminating Spam before it makes it to your inbox.

P.P.P.S. If you don't understand my guide - just ask for a full refund. I'm aware that some of you are worried that you may not have the technical know-how to use my ebook effectively... but I'm here to tell you that you can, plain and simple. I'm willing to place the risk on me and say that if you feel that "A Quick Guide To Stopping Spam... Once And For All!" just isn't for you... simply write me for a full refund within the next 3 months. I'll respond promptly with a full refund of your purchase price.

Are you ready to experience a clean and tidy Inbox free of the daily chore of deleting Spam? If so, Click Here.