In Just Two Hours,
Learn The Shocking Secrets
You Must Know
In Order to Lose Weight...
And Keep It Off Permanently!

Let me give you a hint: losing weight is a process. It takes time and energy. It takes dedication. But most importantly, if you want to do it right - and most people don't - it takes the right information. Without that information, you'll spend the bulk of your time undoing something you spent hours doing. Without that information, you'll dedicate your time and effort to useless activities that seem like they'll help you lose weight, but ultimately will not...

From: <name>
Date: <date>
Re: Help Me Shed 15 Pounds Fast!

"Losing Weight Isn't Hard"

I'm sure you've heard this one before: "Losing weight isn't hard. Eat less. Exercise more. Period." To some extent, this is true. If you don't find eating less and exercising more to be "hard," then losing weight isn't hard, either.

For most people, this isn't the case.

Most people do find exercising hard - especially when they have a full schedule. For them - and you - this simple advice just doesn't cut it. You need something more substantial, more specific - something that will actually help you get results and given your time constraints.

That's the main problem with this simple plan - "Eat less. Exercise more" -- is that you would if you could, but you simply can't. No matter how much you want to shed those extra pounds, you don't always have time to prepare food for yourself according to what some diet prescribes. Instead, you end up grabbing some fast food or tossing something in the microwave.

You also don't have time to exercise. You've got kids to watch after - to bus around to school and to sports. And you've got a demanding job and a demanding boss. You work 40, 50, 60 hours a week. And in your spare time, you've got a house that needs to be cleaned. There's no time for exercise!

Okay, So Losing Weight Is Hard!

So let's suppose the opposite is true: "losing weight is hard." That's great, but where does it get you? Can you now sit back, loosen up your belt, and feel justified in some gratuitous self-pity now that you've accepted that it IS hard?

You could. And many people do...

But I don't suggest it. And here's why: losing weight is hard - no doubts about it - but in most people's cases, losing weight is a lot harder than it needs to be because they simply do not know how to approach it.

Now, I'm not talking about a "fad diet" that proports to eradicate all of your belly fat in a matter of 10 minutes with only minor tweaks to your diet.

I'm also not talking about dangerous drugs, which speed up your heart and increase your blood pressure.

If you're trying to lose weight - if you're trying to seriously reduce your chance of heart disease (and look better, too!) -- then you'd better avoid things that could seriously damage your heart in the process.

So rather than suggesting a fad diet or a dangerous weight loss pill, I'm going to give you a different suggestion... one I wholeheartedly believe will work better for you in both the short run and the long run.

Not only will this help you shed that weight faster than you had dreamed possible, but it will do so without putting your health in jeopardy...

So what do I propose? -- Information

The last thing you need is a "revolutionary new system that is proven to burn calories faster than blah, blah, blah, etc." You bought that system last week and it didn't work. You didn't lose the weight. Now you need something different.

You need INFORMATION that will help you create YOUR OWN system - a system that is hand-tailored to fit your specific needs for both diet and exercise. That's right!--losing weight doesn't have to be as hard as it seems...

Let's Get Started. You Need to Drop That Weight Now...

The information I propose is all contained within my ebook, "Working Out Fitness." This ebook wont give you a recipe for the magic pill. Nor will it give you a prescription for a fad diet that. But here's what it WILL do for you.


  • Teach you the only thing you must know in order to lose weight. Without this knowledge, you are doomed. (Hint: it's not a diet or an exercise...)
  • Clearly and easily explain how to exercise the right way. Here's a hint: if you don't know what the "right way" means, you're probably targeting the wrong areas. And that's probably why you haven't seen any results...
  • Spell out explosive plans to laser-target trouble areas and blast them away with diet and exercise
  • Explain everything you need to know about diets that you've probably never heard
  • Help you decide what type of diet is best for your physical condition and goals. Hint: this varies from person to person
  • Allow YOU to select your own set of exercises, so that it fits YOUR schedule - which means that YOU don't have to stop doing it after two weeks...
  • Unlock the secrets behind many mysterious, but effective diet foods, such as whey protein, isoflavones, omega 3 fatty acids, and calcium supplements - allowing you to construct your OWN diet based on excellent information
  • Explain what fitness training is and how it can blast away fat and replace it with muscle
  • Give you the information you badly, badly need in order to select the "right" foods and supplements in order to lose weight and improve your health...
  • Simply blow you away with little-known, but critical secrets about foods... such as yogurt
  • Help you to reprogram your behavior, your diet, and your exercise routine to achieve better results faster and with LESS work... yes, less work

Today is the day to take action. Remember, you're not committing yourself to a fad diet that requires you to destroy your internal organs and eat only one type of food for a month.

You're learning a number of critical pieces of information that will help you to design the perfect diet for... you, not someone else.

But you do need to actually take action. You need to get READING today, so you can implement this soon. The faster you do it, the faster you'll be able to setup your diet and begin feeling the benefits of improved health (and looks to boot)!

So Order "Working Out Fitness" Today...

Delay is the death of any successful fitness and exercise plan. You always tell yourself "I'll do it tomorrow. I'll do it next week. I'll do it next month. I'll do it right before summer." But what ends up happening when that time comes? Nothing. You don't do it...

So start today by breaking that habit. Getting in shape and feeling better takes work initially, but eventually, you'll make it enjoyable.

The first thing you need to do is collect information, so you can program your own diet. But rather than scouring the Internet for billions of information fragments - which will never really come together to help you in any meaningful way - I'm going to give you something that's simple to understand and apply.

So get moving... Remember what I said about action?

You can read the entire 41-page PDF guide in less than two hours. That's really not a tremendous amount of effort if you consider the benefits of vastly improved cardiovascular health and a significant improvement in how you feel and look. For only [price], you can start on the path to a healthy diet. Yes, a diet that actually improves your heart health, reduces the amount of effort involved (so that it remains realistic), and puts you in control...

So stop thinking about it. The answer is simple...

But to make your decision even easier, I've made the delivery process completely automated, which means you will receive my ebook via email as soon as you complete the ordering process.

[check out]

Warm Regards,


P.S. - Buy this book today. You need to stop delaying. Each day you delay is another day that pushes you further from your goal of weight loss. You're simply building up resistance when you need to break it down.

P.P.S - This guide is the best you will find on the market. Rarely can you find such powerful, succinct, readable information for this cheap.

P.P.S - Why continue to delay? Would you rather use a diet pill, put your life in jeopardy, and then put the weight back on? Or would you prefer the fad diet route? Neither will work - and you know it. You need an alternative plan. I suggest "Working Out Fitness."