Living With Epilepsy

Have you or a loved one been recently diagnosed with epilepsy?  If so, your immediate goal is to become seizure-free.  Working closely with your physician to begin treatment is the top priority.

However, you can’t have enough information about how to live with this disorder and Living With Epilepsy is written to give you answers to some of the basic questions about epilepsy and its treatments.

For instance did you know that seizures are the only visible symptom of epilepsy? 

Did you know that there are different types of seizures and that not everyone displays the same symptoms in the same way?

Finally, did you know that there are other types of seizures that do not necessarily diagnose as epilepsy but are in fact a result of some other disorder?

You need answers to these and the multitude of other questions if you are to be armed with the right ammunition when suspecting epilepsy in yourself or a loved one.

Epilepsy is the considered the second most common disease in America and is prevalent in over one percent of Americans each year.  125,000 to 150,000 people are diagnosed each year.  30 percent of those diagnosed are children.

Early diagnosis is crucial to avoid dangerous or life-threatening situations to yourself or others.

There is no cure for epilepsy but there are anti-seizure medications that can reduce and in some cases prevent the incidence of seizures.

Living With Epilepsy is an excellent handbook to learn the history of epilepsy, study the different types of seizures and examine some of the available treatments.

Knowledge is power and Living With Epilepsy can help you to understand what kinds of questions you should be asking your health care provider.  Take a look at what’s inside:

Ø      The History of Epilepsy

Ø      What Is Epilepsy?

Ø      What Are Seizures?

Ø      Who Is At Risk For Epilepsy?

Ø      What Are the Causes?

Ø      Is Epilepsy Genetic?

Ø      Is Epilepsy Congenital - Will I have it forever?

Ø      What Is SUDEP (sudden, unexpected death of someone with epilepsy)

Ø      What Are the Different Types of Epilepsy and Seizures?

Ø      How Does Epilepsy Affect Thinking and Memory?

Ø      Epilepsy and Moods, Behavior and Sleep

Ø      How Is Epilepsy Diagnosed?

Ø      What Treatments Are Available for Epilepsy?

Ø      Epilepsy and Diet and Nutrition

Ø      Living With Epilepsy

Living With Epilepsy is no replacement for medical advice and should not be construed as such.  Rather, it is a valuable tool to arm yourself with important information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder.

Remember, epilepsy is not a mental illness nor is it contagious.  It is also not a result of low intelligence.  From seizure to seizure someone with epilepsy is no different that anyone and is perfectly normal. 

Again, if you or a loved one suspects they have epilepsy or are diagnosed with epilepsy you need answers.

Living With Epilepsy is just what you need to become informed.  Order your copy now and have your answers in minutes!