"REVEALED For The First Time!

Discover The Secrets Of How You Can LEGALLY Resell Easily Available Public Information You Can Get At Absolutely ZER0 Cost... For HUGE Profits... Quicker And Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible!"


STOP! Before we go any further, I want to make sure you understand something right from the start... I'M NOT MESSING AROUND HERE!

There is some serious cash to be made with the information I am about to share with you! Here is some ROCK SOLID PROOF of the type of money that is being made right now simply by reselling FREE public information...

Just check out some of the results produced using the Public Domain Profit Machine system:

(This is a baby Profit Machine that is on the move, automatically making more and more cash as it gains momentum... )

(Here is another site that pulls in some pretty nice cash each month...)

(This is a bigger site that rakes in some big profits...)


(Here Is Another Public Domain Profit Machine Doing It's Thing...)

As you can see from the proof provided in the screen shots above, a healthy six or even seven figure a year business is possible using these methods...

The best part is, as soon as you know how to do this once, you can simply rinse and repeat the process to multiply your earnings time and time again!

...Simply Follow My Easy To Understand Step By Step Guide And You Too Can Have Your Own 'Public Domain Profit Machines' Cranking Out Cash On Demand!

Now that you know this is for real, let me show you exactly how you can do the same… Here's how...


Monday, 9:36 AM

Dear Friend,

If you're interested in discovering how to make money on the internet... using a little known strategy that allows you to take FREE public domain information... and turn it into your own Profit Generating Cash Machines… then this is going to be the most exciting message you ever read!

Here’s why:

Did you know that you can make a fortune from your own home simply by creating massive cash producing websites that resell FREE information? It's true...


Did you also know that you can use free information to build an online business with repeat customers, multiple recurring streams of income and massive profits?

Which means more money and less work for you!

Well now, let me tell you how you can start earning this sort of income ... from home... using the simple secrets of people who are doing it already.

Introducing an amazing new ebook called, "Public Domain Profit Machine". It reveals the insider secrets to building a successful internet business...

...And it covers nearly everything you need to know about getting up and started at making money by selling public domain information... as soon as TOMORROW.

Best part is, it won't cost you an arm and a leg to start... and the PROFIT POTENTIAL IS HUGE!


"Public Domain Profit Machine Is A Foolproof Way To Create Massive Cash Producing Websites With 98% Of The Work Already Done For You!"

Many people would love to have their own business and be their own boss, but they don't know where to start...

Lots of people simply aren't aware that the Internet still holds huge money making opportunities...

Many others have tried to make money on the internet but have failed miserably...

Well you are about to discover an 'exact blueprint' that will put you miles ahead of other would-be-internet-entrepreneurs - everything you need to EASILY EARN INCREDIBLE AMOUNTS OF MONEY from free information available online can be found on this exciting website!

Now, let me ask you a quick question...

Do you already make enough money and is your bank account so packed full of cash that you would have a hard time figuring out how to spend any more money if it were 'freely available to you'?

I will assume your answer is no to this question!

Let's face it, we all want to make more money, have more control over our work life, and do as little work ourselves as possible to make all the money you need to live the life of your dreams... Don't you agree?

Now, believe me when I tell you that the Internet still holds huge profits for enterprising people, people like you and me.

You might think you have to be some kind of Web expert or programmer, a mogul or an established business person to break into the Internet business, but nothing could be further from the truth...


...Normal every day people are making BIG MONEY on the internet every day of the week!


...And many have even quit their day jobs for good and are now working from home living a life of total freedom... Is that something that would be of interest to you?

Well then let me tell you, one of the biggest potential business opportunities currently available is built on the use of public domain information that you can obtain and use for free and actually resell it all at a massive profit!

You CAN EARN INCREDIBLE AMOUNTS OF MONEY by using free public information and I am going to teach you exactly how to do it...

All you need is the willingness to do a minimal amount of research, based on the secrets I will provide to you, and a semi-creative mind to succeed.

Wait a minute, I hear you say? I don't know anything about building a website and I'm not an Internet trend expert. Well that's great because...



If you want to kiss your day job goodbye once and for all and discover how to become your own boss, without huge up front costs, public domain information is the key to a sustainable Web business with huge potential for growth and massive profits...

Traditional business opportunities involve not only a huge time commitment but enormous amounts of startup cash. If you don't have that, many possibilities are closed to you.

The BEST option for new Web entrepreneurs is low-cost, easy to understand, and can even connect you with your own interests and passions.

Public data is the BEST place to start if you're looking for money making opportunities on the internet.

Why? Simply because...

Free Public Domain Information Can Put Money In Your Pocket!


...Everything You Need To Know To Start Using Public Domain Information As A Money Making Tool Is Contained In This Easy To Understand Step By Step Guide!


So what exactly is public domain information?

It is almost every piece of information available on the Internet that's not part of a proprietary source. Everywhere you turn, that information is free and waiting for you to organize it for eager Internet searchers that will pay you for your efforts.

Here is Wikipedia's definition of public domain:

"The public domain is a range of abstract materials – commonly referred to as intellectual property – which are not owned or controlled by anyone. The term indicates that these materials are therefore "public property", and available for anyone to use for any purpose."

So, Forget Product Creation!

What this means is, you can very quickly and easily use already existing products and freely available information to resell as your own...


...This is the easiest possible way to earn money on the Internet! 


"Public Domain Profit Machine" will show you step by step exactly how to set up this easy to start, easy to run business, with foolproof ways to maintain and grow your revenue streams.

Are you ready to learn exactly how to make huge amounts of money?

Then you're ready for "Public Domain Profit Machine!"

Public data my be unfamiliar to you now, but I promise that by the time you finish this book you will be an expert at managing it, marketing your website, attracting new customers and depositing the huge profits they generate into your bank account!


...The Best Part Is This Can All Happen On Pure Autopilot!

Learning about a new business opportunity through trial and error is like reinventing the wheel - it wastes your valuable time and you could make mistakes that will cost you money!

WHY TAKE UNNECESSARY RISKS? This Simple Guide Is So Easy To Understand And Use That There Is No Reason Why You Can Not Use The Information To Start Cashing In Right Away!

Everything you need to know is contained in "Public Domain Profit Machine". Allow me to help get you started making the cash you have always dreamed of making, right NOW!


So Exactly What Exclusive Insider Information Is Contained In Public Domain Profit Machine?


Here's a sneak peek at just some of the things you'll discover....

What Is Public Domain Data, Plus The Insider Secret Resources That Make Finding Public Domain Information Super Quick And So Easy Even A 5 Year Old Could Do It...

How To Select The Best And Most Profitable Type Of Information For Your Site...

The Three Most Common Mistakes You Can Make And How To Avoid Them...

How A Single Website Can Be Used To Make Money In Many Ways To Create Multiple Streams Of Income...

Discover The Key Ingredients To An Easy-To-Use Website That Will Keep Your Visitors Coming Back Again And Again...

REVEALED! The Little Known Secret Resource That Allows You To Crank Out Multiple Cash Pumping Sites Each And Every Month With 98% Of The Work Already Done For You...

And that's not all because you're also about to discover:

How To Avoid Choosing The Wrong Data Source - Discover the right balance between a popular topic and one so obscure it will only interest a few people, with little opportunity for growth. Get this wrong and you will be destined for failure...

What A Great Website Looks Like - Loads of great insider tips and techniques to make sure your visitors stay on your website and keep putting money in your pockets...

Making The Leap To Membership - How to know if and when your website is ready to make the transition to content for members only so you can start earning recurring passive income every month and quit your job for good...

Picking The Best Domain Name - If customers can't remember what you're site is called, they won't be able to find you, so learn exactly how to pick a great, profitable name for your website to keep the cash rolling in...

Referral Affiliate Programs - Find out about this exciting way your customers can make money for you, simply by buying things related to your website. There's no easier way to make money!

Fresh Content Keeps Visitors Coming Back - Learn how to easily keep your website fresh with new content, ensuring repeat business without loads of extra work for you...

Don't Do It All Yourself - There are a few key tasks you can and should leave to the experts. If you don't already know what they are, you could make a huge mistake before your site even gets started!

Super Successful Pubic Data Sites - Some of the most successful websites on the internet today are based on FREE public information! Discover which are the best sites and how you can do what they do to rake in the BIG MONEY!

Public Domain Products - Discover how to locate existing public domain products that you can immediately repackage and resell as your own for 100% of the profits in zero time!!! This strategy has been used by some of the most successful internet marketers on the planet (Dr Joe Vitale, Yanik Silver and Russell Brunson just to name a few...)

... AND this is just the tip of the iceberg of some of the crucial information ONLY THIS BOOK CAN GIVE YOU!


"Click Here Now To Order Securely" (Make The "Click Here...." A Link To Your Payment Processor)


"Public Domain Profit Machine" Contains The Foolproof Methods That Will Transform Your Life And Show You How To Create An Internet Business That Will Practically Run Itself!

Do you want to work smarter and not harder to make huge profits?

Do you want to know the real secrets of Internet success?

Only "Public Domain Profit Machine" contains EVERYTHING you need to get started, grow your business and earn more money than you ever thought possible!


But don't just take my word for it, here's what other satisfied customers are saying...



"Before reading your ebook I was totally lost. I had bought so many different products on the internet about how to make money that it had me totally confused. Then you showed me a quick and simple way to make money and I didn't even need to create my own products! Thank you for making it all clear for me!"

Cheryl Buckley, Sydney, Australia



"Using public domain information has dramatically changed the money making potential of my business. Without these ideas, I would still be a small player with a small income; now, I'm now a major force with a major income in my niche. Public Domain Profit Machine has helped me immensely, returning its initial cost to me many thousands and thousands of times over.

If anybody out there wants to go from so-so to incredibly successful, this is absolutely the right book to have. "

Robert Britton, Sheridan, Wyoming



I can't believe how much I learned from just the first couple of chapters in this book! And after reading through the rest of "Public Domain Profit Machine" I learned everything else I needed to finally start making money on the internet!

This book is a "must have" for anyone who hopes to make money from an online business. Thank you for writing such a FANTASTIC book - it is worth many times what I paid for it!

Jessica Rogers, Lincoln, Nebraska



"All I can say is THANK YOU! I made use of your 'Secret Resource' mentioned on page 24 of Public Domain Profit Machine, and in just my first month since buying your product I now have 15 brand new sites up and running in different niches. All of them are making money!

I am now on track to replacing my income and finally quitting my day job for good! Thank you again."

Terry Hill, Gold Coast, Australia


"Click Here Now To Order Securely" (Make The "Click Here...." A Link To Your Payment Processor)

So Can Someone Like Me With No Experience Really Have An Ultra Successful Internet Marketing Based Business?


The answer is YES! Of course you can!

The truth is that with the right information and the right guidance you can make LOTS OF CASH using public domain information as a solid foundation for your online business.

Are you ready to reap huge financial rewards?

Are you ready to focus your energy on reaching for the success you've always dreamed of?

Then I can tell you exactly what you need to do to achieve everything you want. It's easy, it's interesting, and it's a lot of fun to see just how quickly you can start making lots of money.

Public Domain Profit Machine is full of the kind of insider secrets that will make starting your business so easy you'll wish you had done it sooner.

Everything you need to know is in this essential ebook, laid out for you in a logical, easy to follow series of steps so you simply cannot fail!

PLUS, I also reveal the insider secret resource I personally use to have all the work done for me to produce multiple sites every month! This one secret resource alone could have you up and running with your own site as soon as TODAY...


...So You Can Literally Fast Track Your Success And Path To Online Riches!

Don't you deserve to be your own boss?

Don't you deserve to reap the rewards of your own success, rather than earning money for someone else?

Of course you do!

I mean, just imagine being able to convert information that costs you NOTHING into a money making business that lets you be your own boss!

Could you handle doing what you want to do with your life by creating the freedom to go wherever you want, whenever you like and as often as you like?

...Wouldn't that be great?

...Or what about if you could pay off a new home or buy a brand new car you never thought you would be able to afford just by selling FREE information from the Public Domain? Or maybe you'd like to go on a holiday each year to see the world?

"How Would That Feel If You Could Do This?"

...Imagine being able to start a business in a niche topic that you are totally passionate about and love, and then take it from a weekend business and turn it into your very own work from home empire that pays you even while you are sleeping!

...How Much Is This Information Worth To You?

How much is your happiness worth? Your freedom? Your time?

...What Would It Be Worth To You To Be Able To Discover How To Make Enough Money To Quit Your Day Job? ...Wouldn't That Be A 'Dream Come True'?

Well, I'm here to tell you that all this truly is possible, but you need to know how.

That's what this brand new e-book could help you to do...

Now, you probably expect that Public Domain Profit Machine is enormously expensive... I mean after all, people are willing to pay a lot of money to find out the type of secrets that are revealed in this amazing ebook...

Well I am happy to say that this is the one area where we don't even come close to fulfilling your expectations....

As you probably know by now, I always strive to provide extreme value in every offer that I put together and this time is no different.

While this course could easily be structured as a $2000 weekend seminar, I'm not going to go that route.

In fact, if you are decisive and take action today you are going to get the entire Public Domain Profit Machine step by step e-book for the incredibly low price of just $97, $77, $57, $47 .......... $37.

Don't worry it's not a misprint... It's only going to cost just $37!


For two reasons:

1. This price is HEAVILY DISCOUNTED for the launch of this product and it CANNOT STAY THIS RIDICULOUSLY LOW FOR LONG! So you had better get your copy today before the price increases back up to $97...

2. Simply because I want to help the little guy like you out... And I don't want it to cost you an arm and a leg to get this valuable information! But only for a short time...

Now doesn't that sound fair?

...AND to top it all off, if you secure your place in the next hour I'll even include the following Mega Bonus Pack worth $2,547.00, at absolutely no charge.


...BUT You Will Have To Be Quick Because This Special Bonus Pack Is Only For The First 500 People Who Say "Yes" Right Now...

To really add value to this offer and to totally over deliver I've decided to offer an insane bonus package for the first 500 people who download the ebook.

Now 500 places will be taken up quickly as there's already 6,197 people on the early bird list waiting for the site to go live. Well, the SITE IS LIVE, and once the first 500 buyers have signed up... the $2,547.00 in bonuses will be pulled down for good.

We are expecting to receive over 100,000 visitors in the first 24 hours. If I had to guess, I'd say you'll only be guaranteed a bonus package if you order within the first 30 minutes of the site going live as the places could be taken up easily within the first few hours. So you had better act now!

Here's the awesome bonuses you'll receive:





Bonus #1:

Professional Audio Recordings

Public Domain Profit Machine Audio Course
 Actual Cost $377.00

Your very own high quality audio version of the e-book spoken by a professional voice over artist. The audio course comes in 4 full length professionally recorded downloadable files.

Listen on your PC or load it into your IPod or MP3 player for the gym! (Yes, it actually cost me $377 to get these recordings done for you...)



Bonus #2:

Master Resale Rights To 'Public Domain Profit Machine'

Full MASTER Resale Rights Value $197.00

That's right... Your Very Own Business In A Box! What this means is, you get full rights to resell this product and keep 100% of the profits! You get this highly converting sales letter, all the graphics, the complete product, EVERYTHING you need to start making money simply by reselling Public Domain Profit Machine to your own customers...

Master Resale Rights have NEVER been offered on this product before, and this offer will only be given to a very limited and privileged few. Get in now before this bonus is removed for good!



Bonus #3:

Liz Tomey's 'Resell Rights Boot Camp'

Full MASTER Resale Rights Value $497.00

Yes, I am really going all out to help you here! This exciting training course will teach you everything you need to know about how to make money with Resale Rights Products. PLUS it also comes with Master Resale Rights itself, which means you can include it as a bonus when you resell Public Domain Profit Machine to your customers.

Liz Tomey's Resell Rights Boot Camp comes complete with step by step manuals, audio training calls and videos that show you everything you need to know to start making money right away! People originally paid $497 to get this training, today you get it for FREE!




Bonus #4:

'How To Create Membership Sites With Wordpress' Step By Step Video Series

Full MASTER Resale Rights Value $77.00

There is no better way to make a steady income on the Internet than combining the profit power of membership sites with public domain information! Wordpress is the easiest way to create a money making membership site and these easy to follow step by step videos show you exactly how, making the whole process quick and simple for you!

This exciting video series also comes with Master Resale Rights, which means you can include it as a bonus when you resell Public Domain Profit Machine to your customers. This package is worth $77, today it is yours for FREE!



WOW... I think comes to mind!

I'm going to offer you an amazing bonus package worth $2,547.00, just for ordering an already heavily discounted and under priced ebook (all 128 pages of it) that can show you how to earn the cash you need to start living the life of your dreams right now! All for less than the cost of a meal in a nice restaurant...

Now, like I said above... These bonuses won't last long at all so you need to grab your copy right this minute... Don't wait around and put it off until tomorrow... They won't be around tomorrow.


You Clearly Only have 2 Choices...

1) Grab yourself a copy of Public Domain Profit Machine along with all the bonuses and start making a full time income online simply be reselling free and easily available public information.


2) Leave this page now to only regret it forever. The bonuses won't last until tomorrow and I don't plan on selling this for long before I go back underground quietly making hundreds of thousands from my existing sites.

If you are even slightly serious about making money online and earning thousands of dollars every month then you shouldn't really need to think too hard about your choice.

You Really Can’t Afford Not To Invest In
“Public Domain Profit Machine”

Now if you 'Want in' on these secret strategies then just place your order below and you'll get instant access within a few minutes of ordering.



Yes Your Name Here, I Just Have To Have This Incredible Package! Count Me In Right Now!

I understand that for a LIMITED TIME ONLY, I can get the entire Public Domain Profit Machine system PLUS all the bonuses ($2,547.00 in value) for just one extremely low payment of $37.

Simply Click The Order Button Below To Securely Grab Your Copy Now!


Link the above order button to your payment processor 

As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be given instructions on how to download your guide, and the accompanying bonuses.


Take Action, And Get Started Now!

Not Tomorrow, Start Today!

"Click Here Now To Order Securely" (Make The "Click Here...." A Link To Your Payment Processor)

You are just minutes away from starting the ball rolling on your own successful and profitable website empire that can give you the work at home lifestyle of your dreams. Our guide will reveal the secrets that show you exactly what to do and how to dramatically boost your profits.

It's Time For You To Start Earning The Income You Deserve With Your Very Own Online Business!

Wishing you great success.



Your Contact Details Here

P.S. Don't forget you're getting $2,547.00 worth of bonuses for just a small fraction of that price. AND "Public Domain Profit Machine" contains everything you need to get you started making money from Public Domain information right away... Don't waste any more time...

"Click Here Now To Order Securely" (Make The "Click Here...." A Link To Your Payment Processor)



*EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: Results are not typical. Your results may vary. We make no claim that you will earn any income using this tool whatsoever. Where specific figures are quoted from individuals there is no assurance you will do as well. You must assume the risk that you will not earn any income from this product.