Discover The Secret Predictions Of Search Engine Optimization Experts for 2006!

“Are You Making These Fatal Mistakes
On Your Niche Websites?

If So, It's Just A Matter Of Time Until
You Get Caught And Tossed Out Of
Both Google And Yahoo!”

You are just minutes away from hearing what some of the biggest SEO experts have to say about the future...

And it's yours absolutely FREE

Find out the inside scoop when SEO Experts reveal their secret predictions about…

  • …the changes Google will make in 2006 that will impact your site and your search engine ranking putting more cash into your pocket.

  • …what new technology the search engines introduce in the next year that will affect your ranking and how you can stay ahead of your competition.

  • …inside predictions on duplicate content and how Google and Yahoo will handle this problem in the future and how you can prevent your sites from being banned.

  • …what you will have to concentrate on to have your websites either stay or become highly ranked in the search engines in the next year which will drive thousands and thousands of targeted traffic to your site.

Here is just a sample of what is in store for you...

SEO Expert – Brad Fallon


“As the Google Tool Bar and Google Analytics gets more popular Google will be able to gather more information about what sites are considered relevant search results to Google searchers. When Google engineers believe this information is coming from a statistically significant sample size they will start using this info as part of the search algorithm.” – Brad Fallon

SEO Expert – Dan Thies


“Google will continue to find and punish SEO spammers. Manipulating positions by link campaigns will become increasingly difficult and expensive, and it will require more weeks and months than it used to.”Dan Thies  

SEO Expert – Stephen Auker


“...This is predicted to have many benefits particularly for established, trusted websites who are voted for by the public using unique IP address recognition. Less established sites will have to earn their trust before a listing is granted.”Stephen Auker

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