Think That A $27 Ebook Is Going To Boost Your Sales? Check Out What A “New York Times Bestseller Has To Say About Exploding Profits Into The Stratosphere!

“Step Into The Mind Of The Ultimate Sales Machine As He Exposes Closely-Guarded Secrets to Boosting Your Profits And Catapulting Your Bottom Line!”

The Corporate Trainer For NBC, Citibank, Warner Bros, GNC, Wells Fargo, Estee’ Lauder, Merrill Lynch, And Almost a THOUSAND Other Companies Spills The Beans On How To Put Your Company On A Path To Success…And Help It STAY There!

Dear Future Sales Extraordinaire,

If you’re looking for the inside edge on how you can skyrocket the profitability of your business…without having to filter through the B.S. being taught in today’s universities and “business growth” books, than this message will give you the answers you’re looking for.

Because I’m going to tell you about an insider who’s done and seen it all. He’s been on the “front lines” of multi-million dollar companies. This guy KNOWS how to train salespeople and boost the bottom line of companies big and small.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering, “OK, this sounds like the usual overhyped stuff I hear over and over again. Believe me, I know were you’re coming from.

But if you put aside your skepticism for one second and read every single word of this message, I’m going to tell you about…

A Guy Who LOVES Cold-Calling…
Prospects…Something MOST “Normal” People
Absolutely Despise!

His name is Chet Holmes. He’s the sales trainer of the largest companies in the world. And he knows what to do to boost the bottom line of ANY business…whether it’s a $300 a year conglomerate or a mom and pop pizza joint on the corner.

The thing about Chet is he doesn’t confuse people with “over the top” concepts that go over people’s heads. And he doesn’t summon a huge case of “information overload” by introducing 4000 tips and techniques into the minds of his clients.

No way.

Chet likes to keep things simple. Very simple. He says every business should be doing a certain number of things correctly if they’re going to prosper. I’m not going to give you the exact number, but let’s say you can count them on all your hands and toes.

So you can imagine the fees Chet commands on a daily basis. Companies all over the world are starving for an experienced “insider” that knows the ropes on how to boost productivity in a business. They don’t want to filter through miles and miles of baloney to unearth what works.

They want results. And that’s what Chet has provided thousands of the top companies in the US!

If you ever wanted to get Chet’s attention and encourage him to spill his secrets on how to build the big bucks, you’d have to pay THOUSANDS for either one of his coaching consultations or his million-dollar info-products.

But, believe it or not, millionaire internet marketer Russell Brunson was able to get Chet on the call for a whole hour so Russell can grill him on his “insider” profit strategies.

Why did Russell want to interview Chet? Well, since Russell wanted to get to the bottom of what it takes to take his business to the next level. Russell’s always looking for the “inside edge” on what to do to take his 3 million dollar a year business to the next level.

But guess what? Today’s your lucky day! For the first time ever, Russell Brunson has decided to make this special coaching program available to everyone!

You’ll get loads of business-growth strategies when you take action today and purchase:

Confessions Of An Ultimate
Sales Machine

New York Times Bestseller
Chet Holmes Reveals Closely Guarded
Sales Secrets!!!!

“Confessions of the Ultimate Sales Machine” is a shortcut to business and sales success. Chet Holmes bottles up 19 years of sales experience and trials and errors he discovered training top companies into a single 1-hour audio.

You won’t find this material behind the “ivory tower” of universities. And those ‘so called’ business building books you see at Barnes and Noble totally miss the boat when it comes to this solid business advice.

Believe me, there’s no hype or theory here. This is the ticket you need to get your business up and running in no time. And, once you GET it going…this will give you the blueprint for keeping it there!

This is huge. Very huge. Why? Because you’ll get an upper hand over your competitors who have absolutely NO plan, don’t know how to organize, and are just running around aimlessly—hoping what they’re doing is right.

In fact, I’m going to go a step further and say:

You HAVE To Know This
Critical Material If You’re Running An
Internet Business (Or ANY Business
for That Matter…)!!!

You see, the internet is changing. That special technique you learned about on that marketing forum and the cool traffic generation tactic you discovered in that $27 ebook will get you far for three months.

But until everyone else is doing it, or the next new strategy comes around, you’ll be sitting there with your pants down!

You see, there’s one axiom that has lasted throughout the test of time: The businesses who are able to adapt and have a strong backbone are the ones who’ll survive. While everyone else blows out into the wilderness, these stalwarts will not only be raking in profits, but GROWING year after year!

Not many businesses can say that. And that’s why Chet Holmes’s stuff is so powerful. And that’s why people pay thousands to learn from him and train their sales staff.

So if you think you’re going to go about business like a “hobby” you’ll get eaten alive by other markers who have this information. No kidding! This is the ultimate blueprint for success ANY company needs to survive!

Here Are The Ultimate
Sales And Business Growth
Tactics You’ll Discover:

So, How Much Are
These Sales-Boosting Secrets
Worth To You?

Listen, there are people who start a business and NEVER discover theses secrets. They’ll go around and around with their business and NEVER take it to the level they deserve.

And when they DO discover these sales-catapulting secrets, it’s usually after YEARS and YEARS of trial and error—and TONS of corporate dollars down the toilet.

That’s why multi-million dollar companies pay Chet Holmes big bucks to turbo charge their operations. He has a long track record of taking stagnant business and injecting life into them so they become thriving enterprises!

Nowadays, Chet sells his business expertise through expensive info-products worth thousands of dollars. Even marketing guru Jay Abraham sells Chet’s materials—and anything Jay sells doesn’t come cheap!

So you can imagine the expense in hiring Chet for an hour of his time can be pretty exorbitant—to the point it can be in the high four figures!

But I’ve got good news for you: Since Russell’s big buddies with Chet, he decided to let this exclusive interview go for a measly (insert price).

Think about it. That’s about how much you’d spend on a couple worthless magazines that do nothing to boost the profitability of your business. It’s also the price of several movie rentals you can easily forgo to get this profit-boosting info.

But that’s not all…

Here Are The Bonuses I’m
Putting Up For Grabs For Being
A Solid Action-Taker!

Listen, if you’ve read this far, you KNOW the value of solid business-building material. You know you have to have the best wealth-building material to get ahead in your business and annihilate your competitors.

So to reward you by taking action today, I’m offering these “fast-action” bonuses to you:

(insert bonuses)

So Now You
Have Two Choices:

  1. You can keep getting mediocre results in your business and skip out on probably the most powerful profit producing information possible from a guy who “gets it”.
  2. Or you can take action today and start learning from a guy who’s a New York Times bestseller, a top seller on Amazon, and a highly sought-after sales trainer who’s improved the futures of THOUSANDS of businesses!

So, Which Is It?

(insert order form)

Earlier in this letter, I said:

If you’re looking for the inside edge on how you can skyrocket the profitability of your business…without having to filter through the B.S. being taught in today’s universities and “business growth” books, than this message will give you the answers you’re looking for.

Since you’re read this far, then it’s obvious the answer’s a resounding YES!

Now that I’ve shown you that “Confessions of an Ultimate Sales Machine” can give you exclusive insights into what it takes to build a profitable business, the time to take action is NOW!

Listen: solid business advice that cuts through the fluff and gives you actionable steps you can implement in your business is hard to find. There are a lot of charlatans out there who are “pretenders” at the game of business and are in it to sell books.

You see, Chet Holmes is the real deal. He doesn’t just talk a big game, he delivers. And, to be frank, there’s NO better person to learn the specific gritty details of how to build a profitable business than Chet!

Now you know what to do. Order right now…while it’s still hot on your mind. And I’ll see you in the “winners circle” of business in the next year or so!

Thanks for your time!

(insert name)

P.S. Listen up: there’s a lot of noise out there regarding who to listen to regarding how to build a business. Most people are just “armchair quarterbacks” who don’t have a clue how to catapult a business. Chet Holmes has worked with NBC, Citibank, Warner Bros, and GNC and has “in the trenches” experience that can take your business to the next level. Get his exclusive interview with Russell Brunson for a FRACTION of what Chet charges for his time. Order right now!

P.P.S. One more thing, it’s important: in case you’re “on the fence” about this, I’m going to throw in a 90-day unconditional guarantee. That’s right, if you download this exclusive audio and don’t feel this 90-minute audio can boost your business to another level, then let me know and I’ll give you a no-questions-asked refund. It’s as simple as that—we’ll still be friends. So order today…right now…while it’s still on your mind!