Discover The Amazing Viral Marketing Tactics That Teach You How To Get Other People To Willingly Build Your List, Traffic & Sales!"

And Why You'll Never Have To Pay Them A Single Dime To Do It...

Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,

How would you like to enjoy the benefit of unlimited, automated and 100% free advertising?

Really, it's no hype. It works for many smart marketers everyday.

You can have other people willingly do the marketing and spread the word about your products or services without having to pay them a single dime...

It's a fact that you cannot achieve a lot on your own, so why not tap onto other resources and have them work for you instead?

By using the amazing power of viral marketing you can take the back seat while pocketing all the cash from thousands of other people's undying marketing efforts...

Introducing... Viral Marketing Unleashed...

Imagine for a moment...

- The amount of sales notifications flooding into your Inbox around the clock as other people are doing the word-spreading from the buzz you've initially created.

- How your competitors would cry in shame while they're probably paying handsomely for the same amount of advertising you receive - FREE.

- The collective marketing effort you couldn't have possibly achieved on your own, now made possible by leveraging on other people's efforts.

And you don't have to lift a finger to enjoy all these after the viral buzz you make!

As the name itself is self-implied, you'll do more than well to leverage on Viral Marketing to have the word spread out about your product or service online.

In This Info-Packed .PDF Manual, You'll Discover:

The "buzz" concept and how to create it like a massive bee hive before your project launches for success!
Inspiring Viral Marketing success stories you can model your business after and enjoy the same privileges of massive sales and massive publicity!
How to add an edge to your Information Product(s) and make it go viral, passing hand in hand, hard drive in hard drive, spreading the good word about you and your business!

Leverage on E-mail marketing and how you can create a mad house of buzz within your mailing list!
The power of blogging and how you can spread the word out like a virus that will spur people to pass the word on to the next!

And what rewards can Viral Marketing bring you?

Perhaps the same rewards it brought for Houston of Natural Science (HMNS).

Viral Marketing Success Story:
Houston of Natural Science (HMNS)

The Houston Museum of Natural Science (HMNS) was one chosen to showcase the world-famous Exhibition for the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. HMNS quickly realized that while the exhibit was expected to generate a great deal of interest, it didn't have a lot of appeal for their core audience. The success of the exhibition, therefore, would rest in how it was marketed.

The Houston Museum of Natural Science quickly called in Spur Digital to help reach the targeted demographic audience and generate interest in the Exhibit. HMNS was, also, hoping to acquire new patrons and members to further their future revenue.

Spur digital worked with HMNS to identify the target market for the campaign and developed an integrated online media plan to reach those audiences. The campaign featured an online contest that was marketed through targeted online media outlets including relevant Web sites, Search Engines and third party E-mail lists. Viral marketing was an important component of the campaign, so Spur developed an innovative strategy to get people to refer their friends.

Spur identified the target audience as males 18 to 34 years old who were fans of action and fantasy films, frequent video game players and movie renters, tech-savvy who generally didn't hang out at museums. Based on this information, Spur chose search engine advertisements that would accompany specific search words, dedicated e-mail advertisements, sponsored e-mail advertisements, banner ads on web sites targeted toward the desired audience, and e-mails to the HMNS list.

Did it work? You bet! The results were excellent. The impact of the viral marketing effort was astounding - over 23% of registrants came originated from the Tell-A-Friend feature. The direct marketing efforts yielded impressive results as well. In total, the 12 week, locally-targeted online campaign yielded more than 2 million targeted impressions, 40,000 unique visits, almost 12,000 and 6,000 invitations sent by friends at a cost per action of less than $3.00. These contributed to the record attendance of almost 100,000 over 3 months.

For ONLY $29.97 $9.97, you can grab a copy of this step-by-step guide, absorb the information within and start leveraging on Viral Marketing the next day.

Done correctly, the applied knowledge can be responsible for your name/business name spread across the Internet and Search Engines like wild fire, potentially making you TONS of money and saving you TONS of advertising expenses.

It doesn't matter if it's 4 A.M. in the morning. The payment and delivery process is automated so you can receive the book in electronic format instantly. And since I'm shouldering all the risk for you, you can safely grab the copy now and be on your own way to Viral Marketing riches!

After reading this important manual, you'll be able to start your campaign will the full confidence that you finally know what your doing.

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P.S. This manual highlights incredible concepts on how you can get people to willingly do all the marketing for you while you take the back seat and scoop all the profits and enjoy the buzz.

The earlier you grab this copy, the earlier you can see that happen.