100% Master Resale Rights


NOTICE! This SafeList Script is NOT Your Ordinary SafeList Script!
Most safelist scripts are EXTREMELY hard on the server they're hosted on. NOT SO WITH THIS ONE!
Because mail is only sent upon request, there's no ongoing stress on your server's CPU. Period.
Hence, the worrying about emails taking over your hosting account ARE GONE FOREVER!


How much is this worth to you? You'll save HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of dollars in hosting upgrades,
not to mention the hours you'll NOT spend worrying if your host is going to shut you down for running safelists.
Your worries are over:-)

There are a lot of things you can do to make sure members view the ads. Offering free prizes for hidden codes is one example of something that works very well.

You can even run your own safelist hosting company without worrying about using too much bandwidth and getting shut down by your website host.

Admin features:

Members features:

What's so special about this script?

  1. It's PHP, much better for your hosting company than cgi, which slows it down.
  2. It doesn't send emails until members login to their accts and pick which ones they want sent, if any at all. This is REVOLUTIONARY! Certainly you've heard of safelists getting shut down for bouncing, and server/hosting overload. Well, this is the answer!
  3. Three levels of membership: FREE, PRO, EXECUTIVE.

Your Host/Server Provider will Agree, this is the best thing to hit the safelist scene in years!!!

Admin Area
user: admin
pass: password

Click to signup on the demo safelist and see for yourself

Click to Email

Order yours now at this special price:

ONLY $75 Today

100% Resale Rights Now Included!

Click Here to Purchase


Low Price Guaranteed Until Midnight Tonight