" Why Indulge In Self-Pity When You Can Do Something About Your Weight Now!"

Say Goodbye to Your Weight Problems That Have Only Make Your Life Nothing But Miserable!  

From the Desktop of: <YOUR NAME>

Dear Friend,

Have you often felt short-changed because of your weight or physical appearance?

Have you often envied fit, attractive people and the way they seem to easily attract attention, have loads of fun in what they do and attract the opposite sex like crazy?

Now i'm not talking about just men and women who jumped out of the set of Beverly Hills 90210 or the O.C. because there aren't many people in this world who can achieve the status of the looks and likes of Angelina Jolie or Tom Cruise. 

But I'm talking about people with normal or average facial features but toned, well built bodies in general who seem to be having the time of their life and who just make your life seem like a sad story

Well, at first I just thought: Nah, it's immature to think that way. Anyway, what is wrong with being fat? People should be attractive based on their talents, personalities and character and I was quite certain the majority would agree.

But harsh reality always strikes us, fat people real bad. 

Did you know most companies actually refuse to hire fat people? The reason being, top managements usually think that fat people are slow, lazy and do nothing but eat and skive all day

I had a real bad shock when I found that out! 

Then there's the depressing part of reading constant medical reports splashed across the newspapers on the health risks of being overweight. 

According to the World Health Organization, there are:

  • More than 1 billion overweight adults, at least 300 million of them obese.

  • Being overweight and obese poses a major risk for chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and certain forms of cancer.

Depressing isn't it? As though you have been given a death penalty for being fat (and even before you actually decide to do something about it). But its true. 

That was when I realised, I had to make a choice. That was to get trim and fit and to lose all the weight fast!  

So i started looking at all sorts of diets and methods to lose weight. There was Atkins, this quick diet, that quick diet...

It seemed easy to start a crash diet and lose some weight. Only to rebound back on the weighing scales immediately after the diet stops. 

I knew the crash dieting was not the right way to do it. So I sat down and researched deeper into how proper quick weight loss should be done. 

It took me quite a while to understand the importance of doing exercise and knowing the components of a proper healthy diet and how they can combine to form a life-changing regime

I tweaked and refined this weight loss plan that I had created until it was the perfect weight loss plan that allowed me to lose weight fast and effectively.

This perfect weight loss plan had worked. Ever since I had lost all that weight, I feel healthier, lighter and happier because there are certainly a lot more perks being average-sized than plus-sized

And I can safely tell you this - you don't have to spend tons of cash on surgery or hire an expensive personal trainer to whip you up in shape. All you have to do is to get on the life-changing regime that will transform you literally from inside out. 

That is the reason why I am introducing...


Your Easy Step By Step Guide To Losing All That Stubborn Fat And Make You Looking Healthy, Sharp & Sexy Again!

Junk the lemon juice diets, the thought of going for liposuction, eating only 1 meal all day long and all that crap. I have worked out a healthier, tried and tested method of losing weight which won't cost you a bomb and yet helps you nuke away all that excess fat rapidly!

Just a number of things you will discover in our guidebook which could change your waistline for the better : 

The main culprits of immense weight gain and why some people gain weight unknowingly

Five factors of modern living which could be the ones placing your spare tire above your waist!

Why a Body Mass Index of over 30 spells big, big trouble for you. 

The two leading causes of death in the U.S and how they're related to obesity!

Eight other killer diseases that could plague you if you don't drop that extra mass now!

When to and when not to use mind games in the battle to win your ex back

The most important step to get started in planning your weight loss – Miss this and you could be back to gorging on chocolate chip cookies and chips!

Four points to always remember when you set your weight loss goals so you won't push yourself to the limit and develop further problems!

Three elements of weight loss that go together and how you can leverage on them to make sure the fat doesn't return!

The truths and myths about fast weight loss and how one simple act does help you to shed those kilos faster than usual...

A proven, tried and tested plan for keeping track of your calorie intake everyday – You won't have to starve, you can enjoy your food and still lose weight! 

How your metabolism system works and the most effective way to make it burn all those calories for you!

The importance of drinking fresh water and how much you should ideally gulp down.

Power herbs: Do they really help you burn fat or just a hole in your pocket?

The kind of exercises that cause you to hit your slim and trim target faster than expected!

And much, much more!

Sure you can sign up for a membership with the local gym instead. Sure they have solid, state of the art equipment, qualified instructors and all that jazz. But for $250 every single month, and results that seem to take a whole lifetime to get, I'd rather you just use that money and donate it to charity instead.

At a small fraction of that gym membership tag price, you are definitely going to benefit in many more ways from my personal guide book to weight loss than that gym membership you are intending to get. 

You will probably thank me for helping you save money after you discover the cheaper methods found in this comprehensive guide!

Loads of diet plans and fat loss books in the market charge you over hundreds of dollars and all they provide is fluff and hot air. But I'm going to provide you with solid, non-sugar coated methods on burning up all that harmful fat in your bodies the safe, practical and easy way. 

And because I always want to overdeliver to make my customers happy, this tried and tested guide to weight loss will only cost you:


For the price of a dinner for two, you can kiss the expenses paid for liposuction, wasted hours in the gym, wasted time trying out fad diets all good bye.

If you're still unsure whether I am someone sincere enough to help of just a snake oil salesman, no worries. 

You are protected by the:



If this guidebook didn't even cause you to lose a few kilos or you find the information inside to be rubbish, then at any time within 60 days of purchase just contact me and i will return every single penny. No questions asked, no hard feelings!

Wouldn't you love all that attention from attractive people, favor from clients, the feeling of being fresh even after a hard days work, or the boundless energy to do tons of things over the weekend?

Imagine never having to worry about feeling sleepy, fatigued, constantly laughed at or rejected by potential recruiters or the opposite sex because of your size!

And...you won't have to visit the doctors for serious medical conditions that cost tons of cash to rectify!

All you'll have to do for the above to manifest is to follow the link below and...

Yours Sincerely,


P.S You only have one life. Do you want to spend this life enjoying it to the full, doing loads of things you've always wanted, or do you want to spend loads of time lumbering to the doctors, staying at home watching B Grade movies, and stuffing yourself with pot pie in between sobs? The choice is yours today - Click here to order it right now!