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commission blueprint reviewIs Commission Blueprint Just Another "Me Too" Affiliate Marketing Guide or a Breakthrough In Easy Online Profits?

Find out the insider truth about the latest bomb blast on the affiliate marketing community...



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Here we go again, another product on Clickbank that is selling information on how to make money selling other people's stuff on, ahem... Clickbank.


As a loyal internet marketer and someone who loves buying the latest guide to making more money online, I do get the feeling that the market is saturated with products on how to make money online as an affiliate marketer.

But what I always have to keep in mind is that I've been doing this for a long time and there are always people out there that are coming into this completely new, or on their second or third attempt after a previous burnout or (family feud).

So my mission in this review is not only to work out what makes Commission Blueprint any different to the hundreds of other guides to making money as an affiliate online, but also whether it's actually worth your time, money and attention.

After all, you might be far too new to the affiliate marketing game to effectively run with it, or you might be a veteran that really doesn't need the info contained inside.

But unlike other cheesy and fake reviews that you might read out there, I do things a little differently...

How? Well, I actually take the time to BUY the products I review. Because that's the only genuine way that I can make a balanced and honest review of the product. This saves you time and money and whether you decide to buy it or not, at least I've done the right thing for you.

First of all, let's take a look at what you actually get when inside the download area...

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3 PDF's

Opt In Page Secrets

Presell Page Secrets

Review Page Secrets

14 Videos


How to use the program

Picking profitable and high converting products to sell

In-depth keyword research & tools

Domain name buying & hosting tactics

Creating "your story"

Setting up landing pages

Setting up PPC campaigns

Managing PPC campaigns

Picking a winner campaign

What can go wrong and how to fix it

Cash flow



Presell templates

Opt in templates

Review templates

Supporting material -

Slides from videos

Written notes on the videos


3 x high quality eBooks and a secret forum for support





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Although it's easy to get an idea of what a product is about from the sales page, the reality is that far too often the hype and pitching tends to make things seem like one big secret and mystery. This is something that always frustrates me about internet marketing products.

Why can't they just be more upfront instead of everything having to be a secret?

More to the point, when you actually think about it there are no secrets in internet marketing. It's just a case of learning techniques that you didn't already know. Most good internet marketing forums will reveal every method known to the human race about marketing online. The difference is, how the techniques are taught and how quickly you can get up and running.

So with this in mind, it's time for me to step inside and see what the real deal is with Commission Blueprint and find out what it actually does, who it's right for and of course I will summarize everything so that you can decide whether it's right for you personally.

After getting inside the member's download area, I could immediately tell that Commission Blueprint was a complete guide to marketing other people's products. More specifically, it's about marketing affiliate products on Clickbank, with the main focus on getting traffic from PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising and effectively converting that traffic into cold hard affiliate cash.

No big surprises there then, but what else do you need to know about the course at this stage?

Well unlike other guides, Commission Blueprint comes loaded with 14 x complete step by step videos which seem to be comprehensive enough to stand out on their own right, aside from the written material.

The written material consists of 3 fundamental manuals. None of these manuals are too hefty and long winded. They are actually pretty concise and even after quickly reviewing the written material, I noticed how well the material reads. There's plenty of white space and the owner had done an impressive job on keeping it to the point and clutter free.

In addition, you also get prebuilt templates which essentially do the work of the written manuals for you, which I have to admit made me smile from ear to ear already.

The way I see it, you get a complete guide via videos (which you can either download or watch via live stream online). Then once you've learned from the videos you can start reading the 3 guides. I would estimate that it would take you about an hour or two to read each guide at most.

The videos are roughly 20 minutes long each. So you're looking at about 11 or so hours of learning material back to back.

Now, I'm not a fan of having to take a virtual degree in order to make money with a certain online money making technique, but if the material is good and easy to learn from along with being able to genuinely make you money online, then I am more than happy to devote a few weeknights into my learning.

The payoff is ridiculously high in comparison to a few hours of learning in your spare time, but whether the material is any good or not is what we're going to cover next...

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On hitting the download area, I was pleasantly surprised to see a professional and clean layout. Finally a product that doesn't look like a 7 year old's version of a pyramid scheme or shady black hat SEO website or something.

This inspires a little confidence, but by no means indicates that the product is worth the money.

The first thing you'll see is the written manuals. As I hate reading huge eBooks that bore me to death and make little sense in the real world, I was already worried...3 manuals? Jeez.

So I went ahead and opened the first manual and was relieved to see that I was only given 20 pages to work through.

I know it sounds negative, but I hate sitting at my desk reading all night. I'll do it, but I will also loose my attention unless it is laid out in such a way that keeps my eyes glued to the screen and lets me absorb the information quickly and permanently. Sadly, most marketers stop with their copy skills at the sales page, but in reality if you're selling an eBook or other written material then you better had write in a compelling and concise way or I'm done with it.

Well, Commission Blueprint accomplished this objective...

The very first guide I opened which was the Opt in Secrets manual, was laid out with 20 pages of clear, straight to the point material.

The other guides were just the same. All of them were written with a really nice flow and easy on the eye layouts. This is a good start for me, as I am not a fan of clunky eBooks. More on the written guides shortly...

The next thing I was excited to see were the videos. Holy crap, 14 of the suckers seems like a lot even for a marketer like me who likes videos! So I cracked straight into the videos to see what we were dealing with.

He didn't have a stroke on me for once...

What I was worried about was whether the videos were going to be the same nasty crap that you always tend to see...y'know the ones, where you hear the sniffs, coughs, microphone pops and ridiculously long pauses as if the narrator is continually having a stroke or something.

Well, again Commission Blueprint immediately stands out with the quality of the video tutorials. Yes, they are screen capture but they also have the owner on the screen talking to you face to face. I thought that was a great touch as it's more personal and more entertaining too.

He teaches you as if you're in the same room and to the side of his face is PowerPoint slides that effectively reiterate his key points. These PowerPoint slides are also packaged into a zip file if you want to refer to them separately at your own pace.

Then we end up with the templates...

There are 3 core templates which are basically reinforcements of the written guides. They essentially deliver the end result of what you've been taught in the written manuals.

And to finish off, you've got 3 unannounced bonuses which are of good quality. Plus you're left with the video notes (if you're not interested in watching/can't physically watch the videos) and the accompanying PowerPoint slides.

All in all, I've got a good feeling about this product already. There's just something about the clean layouts, the no fuss teaching and straight to the point material that inspires confidence.

But apart from these first impressions we still don't know if the material is actually any good. Now it's time to dissect the material in more depth and get real...


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The reason I have chosen to review the videos first is because the written manuals are only truly effective once you have watched the videos. Particularly if you're stuck on finding a profitable niche product to promote.

Video 1 - Introduction

Nothing more than an intro into the potential of the course and the usual prepping and what you'll learn kind of stuff. Let's move on...

Video 2 - How to use the program

Again, nothing to really review here. Although it's useful to watch this video to see how to flow through the material so that it all makes sense. But I can tell you, watch the videos first and then read the written manuals. One thing I don't get with the way the downloads are laid out is that the written guides should be below the videos. Otherwise you might end up reading them thinking "But what about the product, what about keywords...".

Video 3 - Picking profitable and high converting products

This is always the area which most affiliate marketers fall down in and unfortunately, if you get it wrong you could end up spending weeks or months wasting your time going nowhere. The material is solid, and involves a way of looking at Clickbank stats to determine possible conversion rates.

Although I didn't fully agree with the "formula", it is probably as good as any way to work out if a product is going to convert or not. What you have to remember with Clickbank products is that you're not told how well they convert upfront. So bare this in mind and take this rough advice on working out the conversion ratios with a pinch of salt because the truth is, no one truly knows.

The other technique described in finding a popular and well selling product is pretty standard for anyone who's been in the game for more than 6 months, but for newcomers this info is crucial, so don't overlook it or you might end up in the crapper.

This video continues and goes into insane depths for researching Clickbank products for maximum potential. I think this is probably the most in depth video I've seen on product research specifically for Clickbank in a long time (perhaps of all time). The guy starts pulling out the Excel spreadsheets and doing all this calculated analysis. He tells you what you're doing and even gives you a link to the same Excel spreadsheet so that you can just fill in your own blanks.

I would say that although his methods are pretty solid and will work when it comes to Clickbank product research, there's tons of other ways to analyze a market and a product. But again, for newcomers and people who want to keep things pretty centralized and focused, these market research methods are as good as any and more than good enough to get you out of the gates the right way, from the very start.

Video 4 - In-depth keyword research and tools

Again, the level of detail is pretty impressive here and I have to say that it's not just beginners or struggling old timers that will benefit, but anyone who needs a good shaking down on how to do effective keyword research.

Internet marketing veterans will find nothing new here, but I've been doing this stuff for years and found these techniques to be refreshing reminders of what I frequently overlooked in years gone by.

The keyword tools are pretty well known to most seasoned marketers, but it's nice to have the resource list at hand in these times of info overload. I'd suit this section to anyone who is paying a fortune in PPC and not getting conversions...which is likely to be quite a few of us ;-)

Video 5 - Domain secrets and hosting

I was tempted to skip right over this section just from the title alone. I mean, seriously - a video on how to buy a domain name? Puhleeaaze.

However, the info is not to be scoffed at entirely, especially if you're not sure what type of domain will work in your campaigns. This is actually worth a quick watch even if you've been doing this affiliate marketing stuff for a while, because trust me after watching you'll realize that there is a lot more significance in buying the right domain name depending on your campaign.

Put it that way, I now know that buying domains is not always the slapdash process I used to see it as.

Video 6 - Creating your story, The essential component

This is the video that intrigued me the most as someone who used to struggle with converting people to buy from me. This video is solely focused on the tactics required to build a truly effective landing page (the page that the visitor will hit directly after clicking your PPC ad).

Although so far in the videos I hadn't seen anything particularly new or worth the money I'd spent to get this guide, this video is making me realize that this course is actually created by a marketer who understands the true key to making money online, which is of course getting someone to buy from you.

This video is essentially all about writing copy and laying out your page to get the person to take action (whether that's clicking your affiliate link or putting their names and email address in your opt in form).

I have to be honest here. I always try and pick holes in every single product I buy and review for my readers. But I can honestly say that this video alone is pure gold in terms of creating effective PPC landing pages.

I can't express how important it is to create an effective landing page that gets people to click on your links and ultimately take action. Otherwise, you're wasting time and money day after day. I also like the fact that they teach you without suggesting you go out and do a ton of work upfront...that's a great attitude because until you know what is working, you don't want to burn out with the wrong campaigns.

This video is so right on the spot and current. If you follow this advice you'll see purely positive results. The copywriting techniques are easy to understand and highly effective. I should know because I've used many of them with great results in the past. But of course, this landing page that you set up is only good if you follow through with the rest of the course.

Video 7 - Setting up your landing pages for maximum conversion

This video is actually a carry on from the previous video, which builds up on the basics of converting more people to buy through your affiliate link. Here, you're introduced to the templates which we'll cover shortly.

At first I thought this video was a little bit pointless but after about 3 minutes, he talks about the templates and how to set up tracking the right way on your landing pages.

This is pretty basic stuff to any seasoned PPC marketer, but again essential info for newbies. By the way, if you're not doing tracking in your internet marketing then you are literally throwing time and money away. You need to know what works and although pretty basic, this video explains how to set it up really easily in your templates and any other landing pages and campaigns you setup in PPC.

This video also covers the what and whys behind the templates which is also covered in the written guides which we will cover shortly. It does get a little technical in a couple of places here, but it is nothing complicated and what's cool is that you don't even need to understand it as what is quickly becoming obvious is that this entire guide is a "copy-and-paste-minor-tweaks-and-roll-it-out" style of marketing.

Video 8 - Setting up the campaign

Here's where you get into the fine details of setting up your actual AdWords campaigns. This is probably where most people get confused so it should be a welcoming video for many people.

I've been doing PPC pretty successfully for about a year now, and I can tell you 100% that the pillars to setting up your Adwords campaigns are covered exactly as they should be here in this video.

In fact, the point he makes about "making the sale, not getting tons of traffic" is probably the most significant lesson you'll learn in the Adwords campaign creation.

What I didn't like was that it was also becoming obvious that these lessons were all aimed at Google's PPC advertising program. Although Google IS one of the best PPC engines out there, they could have taken the time to explain how to effectively set up Yahoo and MSN ads.

Either way, in general the principles taught here are solid and well grounded in the world of PPC marketing.

If you've read other paid for PPC guides such as Beating Adwords, then you'll already know everything you need to about creating PPC ads. But if you've been losing money and/or paying too much in your Google PPC ads, or if you've never tried PPC before, then this video is a great tutorial that covers the essentials.

I can honestly say that by using these techniques (and yes, there are a few to get through) then you will save a whole ton of money and drastically increase your PPC campaign effectiveness.

Video 9 - Managing your campaign

There's actually 2 separate videos here. The first video begins to talk about the importance of getting all your "test" campaigns under control and in some form of routine where profits are continual and consistent.

In all my time of running PPC ads, I realized that I'd been missing a few obvious aspects of fine tuning my PPC campaigns for maximum profits. Needless to say, I had to apply these techniques immediately to my own PPC campaigns.

What strikes me about this video is that the owner clearly understands the importance of maintenance in PPC campaigns. The techniques here are really useful and will help you reduce your Adwords costs, improve positioning and overall performance.

If you jump straight to this video before actually getting started in the previous videos, this will make no sense and will probably make you feel as if Adwords is overwhelming.

However, that's even more reason to take each step as it comes and actually get started work alongside the videos instead of trying to learn everything in one huge lump (it just won't work that way so please don't try it!).

What's cool is that everything you learn in these videos is shown via live, real life screen recording of his campaigns. I liked that hands on real approach that other eBooks and videos simply don't bother with.

The second video shows even more in-depth methods to gather conversion data and what to do with it to max out your campaigns. I have to admit, I've done this and I don't know why I haven't heard of this way of optimizing your campaigns.

However, this entire process described in Video 9 can be made a lot simpler by using Xtreme conversions software (insert affiliate link for Xtreme Conversion software - it can be found on I highly recommend it along side this course because it essentially automates the entire process of tweaking your campaigns so that you only pay for the best converting keywords. It's not essential, but let me tell you this: It will save you a lot of time when it comes to this section of the guide.

Even the guy himself admits that this particular part of the course requires a lot of work in comparison to the rest of the guide. However, it's probably one of the most important parts of staying alive with Google Adwords, particularly in a highly competitive niche market.

Video 10 - Picking a winner and milking it

This video is where you are taught to hone in and focus on the right campaigns and which ones you need to ditch.

This kind of reinforces this guy's level headed business minded approach. This is probably the most honest and dead pan way to look at your campaigns and how to bail out on the bloodsuckers and laser target and scale up the bread winners.

Most people get burnt out because one PPC campaign fails miserably, but let their campaigns run deep into the ground and drain their wallets. Why? Because they find it hard to tell when to let go. When is it definitely dead? Which ones are clear winners?

This video clears up one of the biggest pitfalls in your PPC campaign analysis. Well worth watching and could make the difference between wasting a ton of money or dropping a would be money making campaign by mistake. Ouch.

I loved this video because the guy even goes into real details like how many days you should wait before making a certain decision, depending on how well your campaign is doing. I'm personally lapping this stuff up as I've never been taught this way of analyzing my PPC campaigns and can see immediate benefits to thinking this way about my results.

This is only going to make sense once you've got your feet wet and actually got started, but even newbies will be able to understand what to do here. In fact, it's so simply explained in exact, step-by-step specifics, without fluff or filler or pauses, that you'd have to be pretty special to NOT get this.

Video 11 - Scaling

Following on from testing which campaigns to run with, this video shows you how to go from making some money part time to rolling out a huge business pulling in a serious amount of money.

Whilst many people hear things like that and think hype (just as I would), the truth is that if you've done everything that you've been taught in these step by step videos, then you'll have a consistently profitable campaign. Then with a profitable campaign under your belt, the only thing that is stopping you from making your own fortune is scaling.

I kind of knew and understood this principle a long time ago, but this video impressed me because it actually goes into detail of exactly how you scale a campaign successfully. Again, this seems to be an overlooked aspect of online marketing probably because not many people understand how it's done (including some of the other less than expert Clickbank publishers out there).

Video 12 - What can go wrong and how to fix it

By now, I've already got enough info to really rock the PPC marketing world. But the info keeps flowing and I truly feel like I've got my money's worth this time with Commission Blueprint (which is more than I can say about other Clickbank products I've reviewed recently).

This video is great for having a nice safety net that you can set up behind you just in case you experience problems. After all, I think it's important to accept the fact that internet marketing is a dynamic and constantly changing landscape. Therefore, even with the best training material in the world, you're never guaranteed a completely fault free process.

That's why I think this video is so important as he touches on the most likely problems you'll encounter and how to get around them. Things like poor performing keywords, not enough clicks, not making sales, clicks being too expensive or even getting the dreaded "Google Slap" (which is where your costs per click suddenly sky rocket literally overnight through no changes on your part).

Each problem stated is accompanied with every possible cause and exactly how to fix it. Now there's no need to panic when thing go belly up, as there's always a clear reason which you'll soon see why in this video. A comforting source of info in my opinion.

Video 13 - Cash flow

Looking at the title I wasn't sure what this was going to be about, but basically this is a less conventional video that explains Clickbank's payment processes. For many people, Clickbank is a confusing system when it comes to getting paid. Sure, it's obvious that they pay twice a week by check/direct deposit. But what many PPC marketers overlook is the way that Clickbank withholds money and accounts for thresholds and refunds, among many other things.

This might seem like bare bones stuff but the guy makes a good point: Ever tried reading the Clickbank policies on their website? I know I have and it's confusing to say the least.

The reason he's covering this info is that cash flow is crucial in your business, particularly when you're paying for advertising. If you misjudge your cash flow, you can be out of business quickly, simple because your timing is out.

I thought that this was a nice addition to the entire course, because most other courses overlook this and as a business person I think that it should always be mentioned in online business advice.

Video 14 - Wrap up

Nothing groundbreaking here, but still a good close to the course. This guy has clearly had some kind of experience in presenting and teaching because the way the course is wrapped up makes you feel really inspired to take action.

However, if you've done it the way I suggest then by the time you've watched all the videos you should already be in business and making money.


These videos are some of the best I have seen in a long time. I love the way the material is delivered and there's no pauses or filler. The guy literally glides through with a really relaxed but extremely well focused teaching approach.

I was surprised at how quickly I got through the material and I was done in less than 2 days from start to finish. I've already implemental several techniques and approaches in my existing campaigns and I love the way the templates he provides (which I talk about shortly) are so easy to customize but still maintain as profitable converting landing pages.

The best part of these videos is that you don't have to sit through watching some guy creating a Clickbank account, you don't have to listen to some dufus making jokes and you don't have to crank your speakers up and down for each video.

The material itself is extremely well grounded and up to date. I know this because I've used most of the material myself...which incidentally took me a few years to learn on my own :-(

If I had this when I started, I'd be a few 100 thousand grand richer as we speak. But that's not to say that there's no time to catch up and by refreshing my memory on these time tested Clickbank marketing techniques via PPC, I can seriously see no way to fail.

I am so used to doing reviews and taking courses that are sold on Clickbank that I feel that I have become a master at spotting the hype and theory from real business building advice online. Let me tell you, I'm always on the fence but this product blew me away for being so genuine and real. But as soon as I started watching these videos, I could tell the material was coming from someone who knows his stuff and clearly has practices what he preaches.

There's no "theory" here. This is in the trenches, battle earned advice that you absolutely must take on board to step up your game in PPC marketing.

Even after years of working it out for myself, I can see myself referring back to these videos for a few weeks from now.


Opt In Secrets

Opt in secrets clearly focuses on setting up a small 1 x page website that is purely designed to get the visitor to enter their details into the opt in form. This is so that you can build a list of prospects that you can sell to over and over again, or have multiple attempts to try and sell the main product that you have in mind.

This manual should probably be read after the videos have been watched, and it makes no sense that it is listed above the videos in the download area. Nevertheless, this manual follows the same consensus that the videos follow: No BS, No Fluff, No Theory.

I thought I had my opt in landing pages pretty sewn up, but I was my eyes were open to just a few little tricks which totally flew over my head in years gone by. It's the kind of stuff that you really should have thought of yourself but for some reason didn't.

I also like the time tested copywriting advice. This is the stuff that separates the winners from the losers in the world of marketing and even sales in general. Ask any seasoned pro and they will tell you that it's the words that are written on their web pages that makes them sales each and every day.

Considering the price of this course, you'll get a ton of value from this one guide alone that you can transfer to all areas of your online marketing. The principles are seriously powerful and the specifics are in place so you're not left to guess your way through.

It's pretty short too, weighing in at only 20 pages, with lots of white space and images. Don't get wrong though, it's packed full of juicy and essential landing page crafting secrets. These techniques are proven and if you simply apply them to your business, you'll get more opt ins that ever before.

Pre-sell Page Secrets

Just like the first report, this one's nice and easy to read and seriously packs some heavy hitting advice for pre-selling your visitors after you've paid for that all important click. Surprisingly, this report is only a modest 11 pages long which seems strange as you would think that there would be more to cover in a pre-sell page where more text is required in comparison to a basic opt in page.

Either way, you get some really solid advice on pre-selling your visitors using a proven formula which involves a specific layout, wording and actual themes of content that works like a charm every time when it comes to getting people to click your affiliate links!

What's impressive is that real, live sites are provided as an example to prove that this isn't just some theory we're talking about here. We're seeing the proof in the pudding, with custard and cream baby.

Again, some nifty tricks that I kicked myself for not applying or even thinking of before. But hey, we're all human and I think I'll get over it pretty quickly ;-)

Review Page Secrets

This is where my attention was headed, for obvious reasons! I was dying to know what I didn't know already about creating review pages. Even though I take my own approach to reviews which is unrivalled in the IM community, this little 14 page guide is solid as a rock in terms of conversions and maximum efficiency.

I love the ideas laid out here and clearly, this is something that again has been tested through PPC religiously. You can rest assured that applying these principles to your online campaigns will result in conversions far greater than what you're led to believe is the "industry standard".

In fact, you honestly won't believe how these simple and minor elements of creating an effective review page really do make the difference in your bank's scary and you'll only believe it when you see it for yourself with your own campaigns. Just don't rush and do exactly what you've been taught and you can expect to get very similar results as the super affiliates in no time at all.

This short guide also shows how his friend got seriously slapped by Google for what looks like a perfectly good review page (he shows you the actual review page) and then tells you how to avoid that, why it might have happened and how to turn that sort of review page into a killer converting review with hardly any extra work (again, he shows you the end result after he tweaked it for maximum conversions).


I know I've sounded a little one sided so far and I apologize for that. If you know me, you'll know that I am very subjective when it comes to reviews and all my reviews are always balanced and fair. I will always speak the truth about the junk and the scams and everything else in between.

But when it comes to Commission Blueprint, it's hard to do anything but sing its' praises. Especially when you see the premade templates you're given.

Remember the 3 written guides? Well, they are great education in creating pre-sell landing pages for PPC campaigns but here's where my smile got out of control...

The templates reduce 70% of the work and learning from this entire course for you! That's not hype either. If you can't be bothered to read the manuals, just plug in the templates and swap out the text for your own niche.

It's so easy to get up and running when you've been handed the proven pre-sell templates for making easy commissions.

Now sure, you've got to put in the work of keyword research and actually setting up the campaigns along with tracking and managing your campaigns, but you can kiss goodbye to landing pages that don't convert and spending weeks testing, creating and editing html pages.

This is truly the tipping point for me, and I can't sing enough praise for the generosity given with Commission Blueprint with these's a lifesaver for all of us underachieving Clickbank affiliates. There's nothing more I can say other than the fact that these templates are worth far more than the entire cost of the course alone (Ever tried to hire a pro copywriter or web designer lately?).



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I really agonized over trying to pick fault with Commission Blueprint. I hate to sound biased or like I'm trying to get a sale out of you, but I can honestly say hand on heart that it's s great product across the board.

However, nothing and nobody is perfect and there are a couple of things which I found a little off. Firstly, I found that for people in a rush (such as people who work long day jobs and can only work on their affiliate marketing business on the evenings or weekends, then taking the time to read the written manuals is not productive when you can simply plug the templates in and amend for your own market.

But having said that, I still think it's important to understand the theory and principles behind the templates so you have the knowledge to take it with you in whatever you do.

I also didn't appreciate the fact that the entire Commission Blueprint guide is focused entirely around PPC advertising. It would have been nice to see some other sources of traffic generation, but I guess that's going to compromise the course in terms of focus and would only water everything down anyway.

I do think it can be dangerous to build an entire business on Google, so I would suggest spending your profits on SEO for sites so that you can get organic listings in the future. But that's beyond the scope of this review and you can always think about that in a year when you've really cranked PPC to the max (which is hard as there's no limit to the money you can make).

Finally, the section on keyword research does rely somewhat on using other tools that often require subscription or other forms of payment. I don't like to see this after I've just paid for a course promising so much. On the other hand, there's a ton of free keyword research tools out there and this is the only part of the course where I think there's just too much overload going on.

Keyword research is important, but when starting out you shouldn't really need to pay for tools to find a bunch of keywords to get started.

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There's no doubt that this course is packed with quality features, from the solid material itself to the way it is delivered, to the pure over delivery of useable and real content.

I've seen my fair share of Clickbank marketing guides and whilst many have their own style and secrets to boast about, Commission Blueprint seems to resonate with me perfectly. It's concise and to the point. This makes it easy to learn and due to the step by step process there's no confusion or risk of missing anything out.

The only way you could fail is by skipping sections or not paying attention properly. This is even more so when you consider the proven templates that are handed to you on a plate. The only way you can improve on such a turnkey system is to literally buy out an existing profitable business.

I love the way the written guides tie in perfectly with what you've been taught in the videos (and vice versa) and how the templates literally do the work for you.

The quality of the presentation both in the videos and written guides is top notch and allows for comfortable learning, just like these types of guides should deliver more often. The step by step methodology allows you to remove any guesswork in your PPC affiliate marketing learning curve.


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This was a tough part to decide on, because I consider myself well versed in affiliate marketing Clickbank products yet I still learned so much about landing pages and managing PPC campaigns that it would be unfair to say that it was suited only for total beginners.

On the other hand, complete newcomers to internet marketing might find some concepts are a little's not the material or teaching but simply where that beginner is at mentally. So with these points in mind, I'd recommend this product to people who've already dabbled and got their feet wet (perhaps even lost a bit of money on PPC in the past) and want to know how to get all their ducks in a row to start making real money online.

Beginners may find this the only guide they need to get started from the ground up, particularly when you've got the templates at hand and step by step explanations in video and text to learn from. But the people who will learn the most are those who are already familiar with creating simple websites, running a losing PPC campaign and seeing only a few sales on Clickbank per month.

If that sounds like you, then jump in and start applying what lies ahead. It's the real deal folks.

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I have to say that this is one product that even as an experienced affiliate marketer, I will get actual mileage out of and refer back to regularly. Compare that to most of the stuffy eBooks I've read recently and in the years gone by and it's clear to see that the owners of Commission Blueprint have a real piece of gold on their hands (and it could soon be in yours ;-).

Don't get me wrong, you might run into some problems along the way but you'll find Video 12 - "What can go wrong and how to fix it" all you really need to heal the wound and keep running into the sunset with a solid, profitable business under your belt.

The setbacks would be not having cash flow, but again this is covered in the later videos and providing you take the time to plan ahead, there's literally no reason why this highly effective affiliate marketing course will not work for you.

I can say that with confidence because the techniques are time tested, from the simple copywriting skills to get sales or opt ins through to total Google Adwords campaign management...there's literally a step-by-step plan to making a huge amount of monthly income from one affiliate network alone.

Not many guides out there have the right to call themselves true "Blueprints", but Commission Blueprint is truly worthy of its''s like having the password to a wildly profitable Adwords account and legally stealing all of their copy right off the bat.

Commission Blueprint: Product Highlights

Ease Of Use


Quality Of Info


Value For Money


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My Overall Rating:
9.8 /10
Step By Step Guide
9.7 /10
Can Start With Very Little Money
6 /10
Quality Of Content
9.5 /10
Easy To Understand
8 /10
Value For Money
9.5 /10
60 Day Money Back Guarantee



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