ATTENTION: WordPress website owners who need more traffic....

"Unleash the Power of
Viral Social Quizzes on Your WordPress Website!"

From: Your Name
Re: Entertaining and fun traffic techniques you can use!

Dear Fellow Blogger,

How many times have you seen friends and colleagues sharing those fun little quizzes on Facebook? You know the ones...

  • "What Breed of Dog Are You?"
  • "What State Should You Live In?"
  • "How Big of a Hippie Are You?"
  • "Who Were You in a Past Life?"
  • "How Long Would You Survive in a Zombie Apocalypse?"

They're all in good fun, and not meant to do anything except kill a few minutes and maybe give you a giggle or two.

But there's something important at work here, and you need to know about it.

Social Quizzes Drive Massive Traffic

Think about it for just a minute.

How many times have you clicked on a link in someone else's Facebook feed, just because they shared that they were "78% Hippie" or that they would survive 4 days in a real-life Walking Dead episode.

We all have. That's because they're an entertaining distraction. And let's face it, we want to know if we'd live longer than our friends should zombies take over the world.

The result? A few minutes of fun, some shared laughs on Facebook, and lots and lots of traffic to someone's website.

For every share, dozens of people will click the link, driving the traffic numbers up by hundreds or even thousands of visits per day.

What could you do with that kind of traffic?

Who Should Use
Social Quizzes to Drive Traffic

If you're a blogger who relies on traffic stats to determine advertising rates, the benefits of creating social quizzes on your site are obvious. Boost your page views and you'll see an instant increase in revenue.

Even if you're running Google Adsense ads, an uptick in visitors will have a positive impact on your bottom line.

But what if you don't rely on advertising for your blog income, but rather create information products to sell?

Social quizzes are still a terrific option!

Consider creating a social quiz that ties in with your product or service in a fun way, such as...

  • "How Handy Are You in the Kitchen?" -- for your learn-to-cook site
  • "What Country Should You Live In?" -- for your ex-pat advice book
  • "How Frugal Are You?" -- for your couponing guide
  • "What's Your Hacker IQ?" -- for your website security services
  • "How Financially Secure Are You?" -- for your work-at-home membership.

You see, it's not just bloggers who depend on advertising or PPC campaigns who can benefit from more traffic. If you manage a website, this is one thing I guarantee you need more of, and a social quiz is a great place to get it.

There's only one problem.

Up until now, you had to have a coder on your team (or be one) to build this type of interactive feature.

Quickly and Easily Create Your Own
Viral Social Quizzes!

Introducing "Social Quiz," the easy-to-install WordPress plugin that puts the power of viral traffic in your hands.

  • Installs in seconds--simply upload right from your WordPress plugin dashboard, and you'll be creating your own social quizzes in minutes.
  • Integrates with Facebook--encourage your readers to share their results with friends and family simply by creating a Facebook app using the included instructions.
  • Create unlimited quizzes--keep your readers coming back for more by adding new quizzes for them to enjoy.
  • Develop your own scoring strategy--whether just for fun or to create a logical call to action, you control how each quiz is scored.
  • Use images or text or both--upload your own graphics to use as answers, or mix-and-match with text.
  • Reuse your questions--add the same questions and answers to multiple quizzes for faster creation time.
  • Control what Facebook shows--customize your message for your blog and for Facebook to create an intriguing call to action.
  • Enable Twitter sharing--because Facebook isn't the only social site in town.
  • Include unlimited questions in each quiz--whether one question or one hundred, it's entirely up to you.
  • Create playful viral quizzes that spread like wildfire on social networks, or more meaningful, fact-based quizzes that provide real insight to your readers.
  • Use unlimited scoring options--there's more to life (and quizzes) than just pass or fail, so we're giving you lots of room for customization.

Customer Testimonials

"Best part of testimonial copied here to stand out (with H4 tag)..."

"Customer testimonials. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus, metus vel congue pretium, arcu lorem consectetur nibh, quis imperdiet nisl metus et libero. Vivamus lobortis nulla eu tortor pretium sit amet accumsan mi luctus. Sed venenatis iaculis vehicula."

Your Customer

"A customer testimonial box with a photo area to put customer's photo."

"Integer bibendum libero sed sem tristique condimentum. In ornare scelerisque felis sit amet tempor. Fusce sapien mauris, sagittis vitae condimentum in, pulvinar at sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Quisque dignissim ultrices ultrices. Nulla congue semper sollicitudin. Vestibulum at nunc magna."

Your Customer

Create Your First Quiz Today!

Ready for more traffic?

This WordPress plugin is so fast to install and so easy to use, you'll have your first quiz online just minutes after downloading it.

Not only that, but there's absolutely no risk to you with our...

Your purchase is absolutely risk free. Try Social Quiz plugin for WordPress for 30 days, and if you're not satisfied just send me an email and I'll send you a refund right away. So there's absolutely no risk on your part. All the risk is on me.

Don't wait! The social quiz phenomenon is gaining momentum, so now is the time to ride that wave and capture some of that traffic for yourself!

Get Instant Access Now

Yes! Sign me up! I've been looking for an easy way to drive more traffic to my blog, and this is just the plugin I need.

I understand I'll get:

  • The easy-to-install WordPress plugin.
  • Complete instructions for its use, including how to easily set up the Facebook app.
  • The opportunity to capture the attention of hundreds or even thousands of potential readers just by creating clever, fun social quizzes, right from my WordPress dashboard.



Your Name

P.S. These are the same types of quizzes you see on BuzzFeed and other popular sites, and you know how much traffic they're generating! Don't let this viral opportunity pass you by.

P.P.S. Remember, your purchase is absolutely risk free. If Social Quiz plugin for WordPress doesn't do every thing I claimed, simply email me for a prompt and courteous refund.

Disclaimer: Put your own earnings disclaimer or some other disclaimer here. Nulla tempor mi et nisl feugiat non imperdiet nibh posuere. In consequat pretium sapien facilisis condimentum. Cras sagittis lorem consequat nibh pulvinar aliquam. Vivamus aliquam egestas molestie. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus, metus vel congue pretium, arcu lorem consectetur nibh, quis imperdiet nisl metus et libero. Vivamus lobortis nulla eu tortor pretium sit amet accumsan mi luctus. Sed venenatis iaculis vehicula.

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