
"Verdana size 1 is a good font to use for these sidebar testimonials. It is small enough to fit but large enough to read. However, I always recommend using Testimonials in the body of your copy... I will show you how!"

New Jersey

Make sure to copy and paste elements you like and want to re-use again, like the blue horizontal line above. Saves you having to code it yourself.

D. Jardine


Massive Attention Getting Headline To Suck The Eyeballs Of Your Visitors And Glue Them To Your Page... Just Make Sure You Use A Big Red Font Like This One!

Then You Need to Back It Up with a Bold Sub-head That Re-iterates The Benefit From The Headline and Provides Further Compelling Reasons To Read On! Usually a slightly Smaller Font and Black or Contrasting Color

From: Your Name
Your Company
Monday 08:39am

Dear Friend and Business Owner,

How many times have you read how you could "Cash In On The Internet Craze" only to find out it wasn’t true? 

Well you would have to be able to build a website right? And how hard is that? Not hard at all with one of these shiny new EZ Ministe Templates!

And so on goes the intro. make sure you bold relevant words and benefits!

And Don't Forget Lot's Of Subheads!

Subheads help break up your copy into bite-sized chunks that readers AND scanners (very FAST readers) will easily pick up on. Make sure to keep your paragraphs down to about 3 or 4 lines at a time, it makes for easier reading also.

It's all about making it easy for your reader to be interested!

Your Name
CEO Your Company

Introduce Yourself.

People will always buy from YOU ... and some would argue they are in fact buying you. So don't be embarressed, we all work from home and like to work comfortably... just put on a shirt and take a pic. People will respond to it well.


Adding PROOF Of What You Say Is True is also critical in building credibility. I don't think the internet suffers as badly as it did a few years ago, from a stigma of scam artists and shamsters, but it still pays to back up your claims.

The best way to do this is with Testimonials.

Displaying testimonials can be sleek and sexy and all that, but if you dont have the time or inclination, here's a very professional standard way to show them:


"Verdana size 1 is a good font to use for sidebar testimonials. It is small enough to fit but large enough to read. However, I always recommend using Verdana or Arial size 2 fonts in your Testimonials in the body of your copy...

I will show you how!"

New Jersey


You can edit the table border color in your html editor, as well as the background color of the cell the testimonial is in. Click inside this box, and look inside the Properties of the table. It should show you a color. This color is #E1EAF2 - look for this and change it to whatever you like.

D. Jardine

Blue, 3px dashed Testimonial Box:

Have a look at the code for this one. You will notice it has a <div style= tag. This works basically the same way, but it gives you this great dashed look. Notice the tag says:

border: 3px dashed #003366

These are the variables you can change to make it look anyway you want. Change the color, size etc. You can also change 'dashed' to 'dotted' or

Have a look in the extras folder of your downloaded files for more examples. You should be able to get a great effect by using these, along with the table for your image from above. Combine them to add photos to your testimonials:

Blue, 3px dashed Testimonial Box:
Your Name
CEO Your Company

Have a look at the code for this one. You will notice it has a <div style= tag. This works basically the same way, but it gives you this great dashed look. Notice the tag says:

border: 3px dashed #003366

These are the variables you can change to make it look anyway you want. Change the color, size etc. You can also change 'dashed' to 'dotted' or

Don't be alarmed at how that table above looks. The <div> tag is moving to accomodate the image thats all. It looks fine in a browser, but MAKE SURE YOU TEST! Download Firefox and install it and test your website in there, and also Internet Explorer. Experiment and have fun!


You can get quite fancy and make boxes with Rounded Corners~! EVERYONE wants to know how to do these because it isn't a simple thing, and no html editor can do it for you. So I have included this one example for you as an extra bonus! This will give your website that extra professional touch!

Of course you can make different boxes now you have the basic code and idea, or you can simply make new images and replace these ones. Try making a red box! They look great for Guarantees!

Generate unlimited rounded-corner johnson boxes at www.instantjohnsonbox.com!

Which I guess leaves you wondering...

Why Am I Doing This?

Well I will skip the usual babble about having gone crazy, or my girlfriend crying because of it, or my accountant losing sleep etc. We are all insiders here and you know very well I havent lost my mind to be giving my work away for free. It's practical business sense.

Let's face it, if you are in business for yourself online, you have probably picked up quite a few skills along the way. You probably can handle laying out your own pages, and modifying the header graphic. Maybe even make some extra buttons and flesh out a professional website.

But what happens when you want to:

  • Integrate audio?
  • Setup a shopping cart?
  • Program an autoresponder series?
  • Integrate PayPal or ClickBank etc?
  • Build in a web blog?
  • Secure your Download pages to prevent hijackers?
  • Use advanced Javascripting for popup windows, messages and alerts?
  • Customize the entire look and feel of the site?
  • What if you simply dont have the time?
  • What if you run into trouble and just need a hand?

That's where I come in. I'm more than willing to lend a hand to get you started, and simply offer my help if and when you ask for it.

It's simple really. You handle the front end, and I'll handle the complex stuff on the backend. Keep this link handy...

Click Here for EZMinisites Customization!

My name is David Jardine and I am a professional Direct Response Web Designer. That means I specialize in creating these minisites. Believe me, in the 8+ years I have been building these, I have come across just about every problem, script, trick, tactic and secret known.

These free minisite templates are my online business card and extended handshake to you in return for the chance to introduce myself to you.

Please note, the link to my website MUST remain in your footer because I want people to be able to find me online. I hope it's not too much to ask in return for supplying you with my work.

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