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Have You Ever Wished There were a way to Make Your Content Inside an I-Frame Search Engine Readable?

Can you just imagine the possibilities for your Adsense and Content sites if this were possible?

Wish No Longer! A New Software Program Creates a Content Box Like an I-frame with one HUGE difference, It is Search Engine Readable!

"Shrink your Content, Shrink your FingerPrints, and Shrink your Competition!"

From: The UnselfishMarketer
March 10, 2006

First let me clarify, this software does not use I-frame code to shrink your content, it uses a little known technique of combining CSS with HTML that produces a search engine readable, scrollable content box that you can customize any way you want.

I had just about give up hope on finding a way to minimize the visable appearace of "keyword targeted" content that I add to my pages to increase the keyword density, when I stumbled upon this code in a forum.

Now the code I found was extremely basic, and to be honest I am no CSS expert, but I gave this code to my programmer and gave him the task of creating a software that would make it quick and easy to produce this code without very much effort or knowledge of code on my part.

My programmer not only delivered what I asked for but he built in so many customizable features I did not even know was possible, and it took me less than a minute to produce the code to add to my pages!

There are so many things you can do with this,

Check out these screen shots:

The Content Shrinker Panel lets you control EVERY aspect of your scrollable box, you can change border styles, colors, backgrounds, fonts, ect..

Here is an example a content box with a dashed border

If you are Adsense marketer this is a must have tool to add to your content page arsenal!

Get Content Shrinker now for only $47!


(price will increase to $67 very soon get it for almost half off right now!)