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Spot Reduction Is A Sham..

It's commonly believed that by focusing your exercise on specific areas or muscle groups, you'll be able to reduce the amount of fat in that area of your body.

One common routine is to focus on crunch ups or sit ups as a way of battling stomach fat.

Spot reduction doesn't work, it's fiction! 

Any exercise you do will work towards eliminating fat from your entire body, rather than a specific area. While focusing on different muscle groups each day is an important part of a successful work out routine, you will never lose weight in just one target area. 

It's also important to understand the harm that may come from attempting to lose weight in specific areas with spot reduction.

Not only is it possible to destroy important muscles when you focus on consistently working out only one area, but you could cause that muscle group to grow larger than its natural size as it becomes stretched through repeated spot reduction exercises. 

For successful weight loss, you need to focus on your body as a whole.  Cardio combined with weight training will tone your body, help you shed fat while creating muscle definition. 

The more muscle your body has, the more calories you'll naturally burn and when you combine strength training with a high powered cardiovascular workout routine, you're weight loss will spread evenly throughout your body, targeting the areas you hope to reduce as well as other areas where fat is being stored.

Find out what other myths, misconceptions and outright lies are the cause for your struggle to finally lose weight?

Visit to Download
The Free "Fact or Fiction" Report!


Flush Your System, Flush The Fat

Water is a vital part of every conditioning program, and without water your body becomes dehydrated and therefore unable to properly digest food or perform at its best. 

In fact, your water intake affects every single part of your system, including your brain, heart and other vital organs who rely on water to help filter toxins out of the body, and maintain a healthy chemical balance while boosting metabolism.

Think about this.  Your body consists of up to 65% water. Your blood is 90% water, your brain is 80% water and even your skin is 70% water based. 

So when your body suffers from dehydration, you feel it most in these areas of your body that require constant hydration. 

In fact, depriving your body of water throughout the day can be one of the main reasons for feeling foggy, unable to focus or lacking mental clarity. Just by re-hydrating your body the way it was meant to be, will stabilize your most important organs and muscle groups and give you the extra energy and vitality that you need.

Water also acts as a natural appetite suppressor, tricking your body into believing its full.  Just drinking an 8-ounce glass of cold water in between meals or snacks, can help fight off cravings and prevent bingeing.

Looking for a complete guide to quickly and easily losing the weight and keeping it off forever?


Turbo Charged Metabolism

There are many different ways to quickly boost up your metabolism so that your body can burn more fat in less time, including basic foods that will turbo charge your metabolism instantly!

For example, did you know that green tea acts as a healthy metabolism booster? So does grapefruit, apples, and almonds!

In fact, there are more than 50 different foods that are proven to increase your metabolism, while also acting as a natural appetite suppressant, so you never have to worry about feeling hungry in between meals!

When you boost your metabolism, you are able to burn fat with less exercise and with less effort. In fact, when your metabolism is running at peak performance, you can literally burn fat even when you sleep!

Discover the shocking techniques of turbo charging your metabolism naturally, without expensive supplements or dangerous cleansers!


Power Packed Workouts

For successful weight loss, you need to focus on your body as a whole. 

Cardio combined with weight training will tone your body, help you shed fat while creating muscle definition. 

The more muscle your body has, the more calories you'll naturally burn and when you combine strength training with a high powered cardiovascular workout routine, you're weight loss will spread evenly throughout your body, targeting the areas you hope to reduce as well as other areas where fat is being stored.

When strength training focus on a high number of repetitions, or a fewer number of repetitions with a greater amount of weight.

You'll burn more fat in a shorter amount of time than with cardio workouts alone. In addition, focus on different muscle groups every other day for maximum results.


Because if you repeat the same workout every day, eventually your body adjusts to the workout and its performance during the exercises will decrease, as it becomes a natural part of your day. 

But when you confuse your muscles, you challenge your body to learn something new, and because your muscles aren't familiar with the workout, they work twice as hard to complete the exercise.

Click Here To Download "Quick & Easy Weight Loss" and discover over 12 high performance, fat shredding work out routines that you can do without any expensive equipment!

Don't Reduce Your Calorie Intake Too Quickly!

Every weight loss program on the market focuses on a lower calorie eating plan, and for good reason.

In order to shed weight you need to make sure you are burning more calories than you are consuming in a day, however there's something you need to know about starting a low calorie diet too quickly - it can actually hinder your weight loss!

You see, your body has a natural instinct to "hoard" food when it believes you are going into a famine.  So when you decrease your calorie intake too quickly, your body believes that it needs to store food in order to survive. 

When "starvation mode" is triggered, it's far more difficult to shed weight because you're fighting your body's signal to hold onto as many calories as possible!

You never want to disrupt your body's natural cycle or metabolic pace, so decrease your calorie intake slowly, giving your body time to adjust to the decrease in calories, without holding onto excess weight.

For a complete meal plan that will help you shed weight quickly and easily while keeping you satisfied so you don't binge, check this out:

Looking for a complete guide to quickly and easily losing the weight and keeping it off forever?


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Powerful Secrets To Losing Weight Quickly, Easily & Permanently!