"Expert Software For The Only Categories That MATTER!"

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 Buying and Selling Are The Only Categories That Matter!

Do You BUY? Do You SELL?

YOU Can Master  Ebay !

"SpellingBee Helps You Find Misspelled Auction Bargains!

Our software is designed for buyers AND sellers.

We  built it to help you profit on BOTH sides of the Ebay table.


Everyday hundreds of auctions  on eBay are sadly misspelled -so, they don't show up in the routine search results. This creates two excellent  opportunities in the only categories that really matter on Ebay - BUYING and SELLING!

You see, these items receive fewer views and even fewer bids, which in turn can cause them to sell for a lot less. And that's where the opportunity is! Spelling Bee can boost your income in two easy ways-

1.) Save More! Fewer bids creaGet Spelling Bee NOW!te better chances to secure the item you want at an affordable price.

2.) Resell Your Finds! Don't want to keep the product? Just re-sell it  for a profit!

What Makes Spelling Bee So Special?

 When you buy, you want rare items- "one man's junk is another man's treasure". You LOVE the prices! Where else  you can get a video camera that retails for $500 in stores, used, for about $50?

But you know, searching for these treasures can be a real pain.

 SpellingBee does it all for you in just minutes-NOT hours!

When you sell, you want hot items- "give 'em what they really want!".

Until now, you needed great product sources, like dropshippers and close-out specialists.

(And it takes  too long to find the good ones!)

SpellingBee does it all for you in just minutes-NOT hours!

And it uses the absolute BEST PRODUCT SOURCE IN THE WORLD-

 ebay !

 It gets even better- SpellingBee comes with Master Resell Rights, so you can sell it, or give it away as a bonus to your customers, too. Rights include this sales page and graphics!

Get WHAT YOU Want, WHEN YOU Want It,

From Sellers Who Have Exactly What YOU Want!


Here's How It Works:


Spelling Bee is simple.

Just run "Spelling Bee.exe"

Let it connect to the Internet.

You will see the following screen-

(If you do not already have an ebay account, you can create one for FREE. See the red circle? That’s the sign-up button.)

(Screenshot 1)


Put a Search word in the search box.

Now, you have several choices

Listing type.

Time limit type

Spelling type

Choose the type(s) you want,

and Click the "Search" button.

(See Screenshot 2 below)

(Screenshot 2)

PLEASE NOTE: You will NOT see the above instructions on your screen. They are on Screenshot 2 simply to show how Spelling Bee works.

 The blank field below the search area

will begin to fill up with LIVE Ebay  listings

for the word(s) you chose to search.

(See Screenshot 3 below)

(Screenshot 3)

Select a listing you like. Click the "Show Item" button at right...

  ...and you are immediately taken

to that listing on ebay!

(See Screenshot 4 below)

(Screenshot 4)

So there you have it-the perfect opportunity to dominate ebay ...on both sides of the table!



System Requirements:

  • Windows® XP, 2000, ME, NT or 98
  • 3Mb Hard Disk Space
  • 256Mb Minimum - 512Mb Recommended
  • An internet connection!

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(the secret's inside your download!)

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